11/04/2023 | 140th Anniversary of founding of Kittitas County, WA
Nov 4-Nov 5, 1600Z-2200Z, K7K, Ellensburg, WA. Kittitas County Amateur Radio Communication Service. 14.275 MHz 14.050 MHz 21.285 MHz. Certificate. KCARCS, 110 West Sixth Avenue, PMB #345, Ellensburg, WA 98926. https://www.qsl.net/kcarcs/event.html
11/04/2023 | Festival at the Switchyard
Nov 4, 1600Z-2200Z, KB5A, Carrollton, TX. Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society. 7.240 14.240 21.340 28.440. QSL. Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, 12895 Josey Ln, Ste 124-449, Dallas, TX 75234. kb5a.radio@gmail.com
11/04/2023 | Hilton Head Concours d'Elegance
Nov 4, 0400Z-1800Z, K4C, Hilton Head Island, SC. Islander Amateur Radio Association. 14.267 7.267; check spotting nets. Certificate. Email KB1QU@arrl.net, for , certificate.
11/04/2023 | Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald
Nov 4-Nov 5, 1500Z-2355Z, W0JH, Stillwater, MN. Stillwater, MN Amateur Radio Association (SARA). 3.860 7.260 14.260 21.360. Certificate. QSL to w0jh23fitz@outlook.com, for, e-certificate. QSL certificates may only be requested and sent via email address: W0JH23Fitz@outlook.com. W0JH (Phone & Digital at Split Rock only) and WØF (Phone & Digital at Club Member QTHs in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area). There will be multiple stations simultaneously using these call signs, on different bands. IMPORTANT: ONLY W0JH contacts qualify for POTA K-2524, K-8095, ARLHS USA 783 validations and submission to LOTW. This is the 19th consecutive year, the club has conducted this Special Event. Visit www.radioham.org and QRZ.com (W0JH) for more details. This year marks the 48th year since the famous iron-ore carrier was caught in a fierce fall storm on Lake Superior. The event will also give tribute to the late Gordon Lightfoot, the Canadian singer-songwriter who popularized the 1976 hit “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” www.radioham.org Visit QRZ.com for info regarding W0F operation for the 2023 Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald special event. www.radioham.org
11/05/2023 | Air Force MARS 75 Years
Nov 5-Nov 11, 0001Z-2359Z, W1A-K*, All USA. Air Force Military Auxiliary Radio System. Technician and General portion of the 80 - 10 meter bands; SSB, CW, and digital modes. Certificate. See website, for e-certificate, information. Call signs W1A through W1K, K4AF and KE6UEU. See website for updates on bands and modes, and how to receive a certificate. https://community.apan.org/wg/air-force-military-auxiliary-radio-system-afmars/afmars-75-years
11/05/2023 | Mill Mountain Star
Nov 5, 1400Z-2000Z, W4CA, Roanoke, VA. Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club. 7.265 14.265. QSL. Roanoke Valley ARC, P.O. Box 2002, Roanoke, VA 24009. Commemorating the Roanoke Star on Mill Mountain since November 1949. https://w4ca.com/special-events
11/09/2023 | HEDY LAMARR DAY 2023
Nov 9, 1700Z-2100Z, N9H, Rochester, NY. ROC-HAM RADIO NETWORK. 14.313 ECHOLINK 531091 Allstar2585,47620,47918,531310. QSL. W2JLD/JOHN DERYCKE, 85 AMHERST ST, APT2, Rochester, NY 14607. INFO ON QRZ REGARDING QSL CARDS www.qrz.com/db/N9H. ROC-HAM.NET
11/09/2023 | Stuart (Florida) Air Show
Nov 9-Nov 12, 1800Z-2100Z, N4A, Stuart, FL. Martin County Amateur Radio Association. 14.270 21.290 28.390. QSL. Martin County Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 1901, Stuart, FL 34995. Saluting all who have served in the US armed forces. You may hear the F-22 demo team or other loud aircraft during the event. https://www.qrz.com/db/N4A