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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
The "JUNKER" AMP Oct 28th 2011, 12:08 4 9,073 on 14/8/20
Mounting HF Vertical to leg of tower Oct 12th 2011, 20:53 3 6,989 on 14/10/11
CAN'T WORK EM IF YOU CAN'T HEAR EM ! Sep 8th 2011, 11:11 5 7,615 on 9/9/11
HOMEBREW AMP Aug 25th 2011, 17:49 3 7,246 on 28/8/11
MIXED COAX Aug 12th 2011, 18:13 3 8,459 on 15/8/11
160 METER DIPOLE USE ON MULTIPLE BANDS? Aug 9th 2011, 13:07 9 30,515 on 17/8/11

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The "JUNKER" AMP n8chr8 on 28/10/11
I ran across an articile for an amp. It's called the "Junker" amp in the 1966 QST. It can be build using a pair of 811's. I have most of the parts I need. Has anyone ever build this amp? Does anyone have another fairly easy amp circuit and construction articles using these tubes and old tv transformers? No money, but I can nickle dime for the parts. XYL is ok with that. "if you know what I mean". There is also a Ham Fest in Massillon, Ohio this Sunday so I'll be there. Thanks TOM N8CHR
Mounting HF Vertical to leg of tower n8chr8 on 12/10/11
I have a 5 band vertical that is now ground mounted. I would like to get it up a bit higher. What can I expect to happen if I mount it to one leg of my tower? Insulated from? Not insulated from? Radials? no radials? Can I make a mount and mount a few inches from the tower? No, can't get it up on top. Just thought I would get on my roof and go that high. Comments, Question?
Thanks Tom N8CHR
CAN'T WORK EM IF YOU CAN'T HEAR EM ! n8chr8 on 9/9/11
Thanks for the replies.
I work from home 3 days a week so I can take care of my wife. I came across one of the DX nets in the morning on 20 meters. The Southern Cross Net on 14.2385 at 1230 hours. I can hear a lot of state side stations calling and hear some of the european station but not many. I hear and have worked into VK land. I can barely hear net control. I hate to give out my call to net control if I'm un sure if he hears me. I think thats my biggest concern. I'm planning on working the European Contest this weekend That should tell me what I need to know. Thanks again
CAN'T WORK EM IF YOU CAN'T HEAR EM ! n8chr8 on 8/9/11
I have a Dipole up North -South at 45 feet, inverted V at 40 feet and a vertical with radial, ground mounted. I'm in a sort of valley with 60+ feet high trees all around. Tower and beam are out of the question. Rig is Kenwood TS 450AT. I'm in Ohio close to the West Virginia border. Can't hear Europe. Hear the west coast working them but can't hear Europe. Can hear and have worked Australia with good reports and into South America.
Anyone have any ideas how I can increase my receiver gain so I can at least hear more of Europe? Would adding an external receiver pre amp or something else help?
HOMEBREW AMP n8chr8 on 25/8/11
I would like to homebrew an amp. Mainly for 20 meter SSB. Anyone got any suggestions on how to proceed?
I have a Kenwood TS 450 with auto tuner. My biggest concern about the amp is how to interface it to this rig. I want to build a tube type Amp. Maybe at a 1000 watt or a bit less. There are plenty of circuits and howto's out there. Has anyone built any of these? Want to keep it as simple as possible.
Thanks N8CHR

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