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possible spam filter issue Feb 10th 2022, 17:27 1 5,331 on 10/2/22
Turn off filtering Feb 2nd 2022, 16:30 1 5,372 on 2/2/22

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possible spam filter issue KA5COI on 10/2/22
Did not see a category for Email / spam filtering so put the question here. Over the past year I have a several important Emails simply not show up. Some were from stat government, some banks. These are the ones I know of. I know it is not SPAM filtering on my Emil server. For the ones I know about I will ask that they send it to my Gmail account and they get through. Is there a way to turn off the filtering? Can we get the option for suspected spam be sent to another account? Any other way to know when the filter has bounced?
ARRL mail forward problem. WB7OUT on 2/2/22
How do I turn off the spam filtering? it is filtering ligament Email.
Turn off filtering KA5COI on 2/2/22
How can I turn off the SPAM filtering or atleast see the Emails marked as spam?

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