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Longwire Antenna | Aug 7th 2011, 20:06 | 36 | 60,221 | on 21/6/21 |
Latest Posts
Topic | Author | Posted On |
Longwire Antenna | WB8ZTP | on 21/6/21 |
The Long Wire / Random Wire antenna comes through again on our 2021 summer vacation to the Outer Banks. It’s great practice getting ready for an unknown / emergency situation by having a length of wire, (My preference is 43’ of #12 Solid Insulated Copper), a length of copper wire for a Counterpoise with a couple of large spike nails at the end, a 100’ length of of RG-58u Flexible Coax, with some alligator clips on the end, an LDG 4:1 UNUN, (Mine is is RU-4-1) and some Nylon Twine. Oh and of course my radio a Yaesu FT-897D with a LDG AT-897 Plus Tuner attached. I use the alligator clips on the antenna hookup end of the coax in case I need to build a dipole. Flexibility is the name of the game, be prepared for any situation. This years house wasn’t the idea situation. I had to slope the 43’ antenna from the 3rd floor porch to a fence post between two big houses instead of getting it out past the houses toward the ocean. But the good news, it still worked. I didn’t have a lot of on the air time due to all the other activities but I made a great contact with a Parks on the Air on 40 m one afternoon, so it was a success. No DX this trip, that would have required more late night stay ups which I didn’t do this year. In the past I’ve had multiple DX contacts with this same setup to Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Italy, Bulgaria and so on. 73, Mark WB8ZTP |
Longwire Antenna | WB8ZTP | on 23/6/20 |
An update on my Longwire / Random wire antennas. My 40-6m Vertical home antenna after 10 years gave out so I stripped all the stubs off of it and used it as the feed point to a used End Fed wire antenna, model EFHW-8010 from a company that specializes in wire antennas. I'm good on QRZ if you are curious of the name of the company but I figured I couldn't list it in the post. I could only get it up about 20’ at it’s lowest sag point to a tree in the back woods. I wanted to get the far end in a higher tree but maybe next fall once the leaves disappear. It works great but I do have to use a tuner to bring it in just a bit better on some bands. Multiple countries contacted and all the local nets that I like to visit. Our annual vacation to the OBX was cancelled this year so my 84' temporary wire at the beach was not used. 73, Mark Pogany – WB8ZTP |
Weather Station Equipment | KQ4JT | on 23/6/20 |
Walter, our Davis Vantage Pro 2 (wireless) is still doing wonderfully after 8 years in service. The folks at Davis, especially John, their tech is so helpful in any issue you may have. I had an update issue with my laptop and John took care of it in just a few minutes. The links below are for my station on Davis and Weather Underground. Give a shout out anytime, I’m good on QRZ.com. https://www.weatherlink.com/bulletin/df624794-e408-462b-adec-728d8461abbb https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KOHGRANV5 73, Mark Pogany WB8ZTP |
Longwire Antenna | WB8ZTP | on 23/1/17 |
Latest news on my Long / Random Wire Antenna projects. My favorite evening net changed to 80 meters for the Winter months so I threw up a 84’ Long / Random Wire antenna and a ground wire the other day while it was warm in Central Ohio so I could get on the net. It’s hooked to my LDG RU 4:1 Unun, the LDG AT-897 and my Yaesu FT-897 rig. It worked great checking in on the net, I’m sold! Keep this topic alive with your comments and questions. 73, Mark – WB8ZTP | ||
Getting Started | KD2JRI | on 30/4/16 |
KD2JRI - I forgot to mention I just bought a Celestron 9.25". I would love to pick your mind on that subject. Go to my QRZ.com page to get my email address. 73, Mark WB8ZTP |