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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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keying Mar 19th 2023, 12:28 2 2,247 on 20/3/23
RFI on computer Apr 29th 2012, 18:59 6 7,957 on 4/5/12

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keying NM0L on 19/3/23
Is the TenTec 4020 QRP transceiver negative keyed? My MFJ 464 keyer does not key the 4020. 464 only keys positive keyed rigs. Anyone know?
RFI on computer NM0L on 29/4/12
I just got a Tentec 4020 QRP 5 watt rig. It is causing interference on my wife's Mac computer! 5 watts!! ?? Where do I place a ferrite?

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