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WA9CFK asks which side of zero beat? Jul 27th 2011, 14:01 2 8,885 on 27/7/11

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WA9CFK asks which side of zero beat? WA9CFK on 27/7/11
Which side of zero beat?

I am building a QRP rig for 30 meters. The DC receiver is complete and I am working on the transmitter. My question is, which side of zero beat should I transmit on to match the received signal?

My 40 meter transceiver kit says to tune to the lower side of zero beat, so I assume it always shifts the frequency upwards on transmit.

But with separate units, it would seem that if the transmitter is matching the receiver pitch on the same side of zero beat, your signal is on frequency.

Am I correct or am I missing something?


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