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Vanity Call; should I change? Dec 3rd 2013, 14:09 6 8,353 on 15/1/14

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Vanity Call; should I change? K1TA on 3/12/13
Quote by W1VT
Why not? Not only will you let someone else get that cool callsign, but you can choose call that means something to you.

Zack W1VT

I never got attached to it and I know someone has been bootlegging my call because I keep getting QSL cards from people since I changed years ago, so....
Vanity Call; should I change? K1TA on 3/12/13
I've been a ham for 40 years and I've held several calls over my lifetime starting with a WN1 call in the 1970's. Currently I am K1TA which I thought would be my last callsign. Recently my wife and I built a house in North Carolina and eventually I will move there full time.

I should be happy that I have a cool 1x2 call but lately I have been thinking about changing my call to a 1x3 call in the 4th district.

I've never gotten attached to my present call and I was wondering if I am crazy for considering letting my 1x2 go?

Has anyone else ever felt this way?

Comments.... anyone? LOL

Tom - K1TA

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