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connections May 4th 2018, 21:44 3 6,886 on 4/5/18
Yaesu FT2800M for satellite May 2nd 2018, 14:28 2 10,413 on 2/5/18
Building hand held Yagi for LEO satellites Jan 29th 2018, 12:25 2 7,546 on 1/2/18

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connections KM4NSV on 4/5/18
thank you again for the informative response, i shall steer them towards crimping some way
connections KM4NSV on 4/5/18
Can you use an epoxy instead of soldering or brazing and if so what epoxy. Would be to join coax to brass rod on an beam antenna my son is building, doesnt want help and he cant solder so i offered to ask if there was another method to connect the coax
Yaesu FT2800M for satellite KM4NSV on 2/5/18
Never mind upon finding the manual, the 2800 does not have the freq range needed I could hear but could not transmit on moost
Yaesu FT2800M for satellite KM4NSV on 2/5/18
Afternoon, I’m still fairly new at that and have gotten good advice here before so thanks for that, I have been using a Baofeng to communicate via satellite, I’ve made a couple contacts and am wanting to expand out. Does anyone know if the Yaesu2800m can be programmed for satellite comms, I have one I use for simplex and could easily make it portable or put in my truck. But before I begin was just wondering if it would work and how I would program it to do so. Not the most computer literate or radio savvy yet but I’m trying.
Thanks in advance
Building hand held Yagi for LEO satellites KM4NSV on 29/1/18
Howdy, fairly new here and having fun so far, I have been looking at building a Yagi to use LEO satellites with a handheld radio. I have the build design, my question is, and you that have been at this awhile, after you stop laughing at my technical ignorance :) could perhaps tell me what I need to be able to transmit AND receive without using two separate radios, is there a type of ‘splitter’ (for lack of a better term) like we used to use for television. Anyways when you stop chuckling, point me in the right direction please. Can be reached here or at

Thank you, God Bless

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