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Audio system picking up RF Nov 23rd 2015, 19:59 2 6,371 on 23/11/15

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Audio system picking up RF KK6NTL on 23/11/15
I have been operating my FT450D 100w with a homebrew fan dipole with 40-20-10m legs for several months. Most commonly SSB and occasional digital on 20m. I have never experienced any problems until I returned from a 10 day trip and now have audio interference on the home sound system when transmitting SSB on 20-15-10m. 40m, VHF and UHF (different antenna) is no problem. Nothing in either the shack or the audio system has been changed.
Varying the transmit power makes no difference.

When I get this dealt with I will attack the S9+30 background noise!

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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