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New to PSK31 could a little advice.... Feb 27th 2013, 00:57 3 9,734 on 28/2/13

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New to PSK31 could a little advice.... N4SMF on 28/2/13
Thank you. The IC-7000 has the outputs/inputs for external and remote control as well as an RTTY DIN I/O. I've got a cable set coming that should resolve the issue. I should have just made the cables myself but what the heck... There are so many digital modes to learn about. I'm really having fun learning about all of them.

Thanks again,

New to PSK31 could a little advice.... N4SMF on 27/2/13
Hi all. I'm very interested in PSK31. I'm using Ham Radio Deluxe. My question is: what is the best way to connect the audio in and out from my PC to my iCom IC-7000. I can control the radio from the PC with Ham Radio Deluxe, but I need to get the audio from the radio into the PC and from the PC into the radio.

Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Steve KK6BZL

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