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Current Legislation

ARRL Legislative Activity

The ARRL Board continually reviews and assesses areas to promote amateur radio through the legislative process.  At this time, they have not designated support for specific current legislation. When that changes, information will be available on this page.

Federal Legislative Efforts

In keeping with the Legislative Objectives adopted by the ARRL Board of Directors, the ARRL Washington team actively works with legislators and staff in both the US House of Representatives and US Senate. This interaction with key persons in the legislative process centers upon:

1) Identification of specific legislation that could impact amateur radio licensees and operators.

2) Providing educational background materials and information to legislators and their staff.

3) Seeking support of, or opposition to, specific bills pending before Congress.

At times, ARRL may ask its membership to contact their members of Congress to express their support or opposition to specific bills.  These efforts are coordinated through the ARRL Grassroots Program volunteers, working with ARRL staff and elected ARRL officials.

State and Local Legislative Initiative

While ARRL Headquarters does not generally become directly involved with state legislation or local ordinances, we do provide support to State Government Liaisons and ARRL representatives who monitor proposed local ordinances and state laws.  This includes monitoring local and state actions on the use of cellular and mobile telephones while driving that might impact Amateur Radio mobile operations, tower and zoning ordinances that might not demonstrate the "reasonable accommodation" standard of PRB-1, or other similar proposals.

When members and non-members bring these type laws and ordinances to the ARRL Regulatory Information Manager, they are reviewed, and frequently comments and suggestions are provided to the Amateurs to bolster their efforts to make such legislation and ordinances more "Amateur friendly". ARRL Headquarters also monitors bills introduced to the various state legislatures and assemblies, providing information on bills that ARRL Section leadership should follow. However, it is the local Amateurs - supported by ARRL officials and staff - that take the lead in addressing these issues and in dealing with the various governing bodies when these topics arise.


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