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European Conference of Postal & Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) radio-amateur license -- allows US Amateurs to travel to and operate from most European countries without obtaining an additional license or permit.

For a US citizens to operate an amateur station in a CEPT country, certain requirements of the CEPT European Radio Committee (ERC) must be met for participation by non-CEPT Administrations. The US is a Non-CEPT administration, but has agreed to the conditions contained in T/r 61-01, which allows US Amateur Extra and Advanced class licensees permission to operate under the agreement from CEPT countries.

Under the CEPT Agreement, to activate this reciprocal operating authority, a traveler must carry credentials in English, French and German that the person, if a US citizen, and if a Commission-authorized amateur operator, is entitled to certain amateur station operating privileges in the specific countries that have implemented the CEPT Agreement. For US-licensees, that document is FCC Public Notice DA 16-1048 and is found here.

Some CEPT administrations have adopted ECC Recommenation (05)06, which grants limited operating privileges.  If you are a US General Class licensee, the US has agreed to Recommendation (05)06 and you have limited operating privileges in some, but not all CEP countries. The list of countries implementing (05)06 can be found on the Information for US Amateurs Traveling Abroad document.

CEPT does not extend to US Novice or Technician Class licensees.

A note about HAREC: The US is not a participant in the HAREC CEPT T/r 61-02, so US licensees are not eligible to obtain a full license in a CEPT HAREC country on the basis of holding a US license grant.

CEPT Information

  • What To Bring-

    Under the CEPT agreement, qualified Extra and Advanced class US Amateurs need to bring three things when traveling to a participating CEPT country:

    1) Bring an official FCC-issued US license not the reference copy. This can be obtained through the FCC ULS system here:

    2) Bring proof of US citizenship (generally in the form of a Passport).

    3) Bring a copy of the FCC's CEPT Public Notice which details what US Amateurs need to consider, and bring with them, when traveling to a CEPT country (notice DA 16-1048 issued September 2016 contains information in three languages, English, French and German).

    [Note: While FCC does not state that your original hardcopy license is a document you must carry in CEPT areas, the actual CEPT agreement the US agreed to indicates that US Amateurs will possess such a document; so be sure to bring your FCC-issued original hardcopy license document when you travel and operate in CEPT areas].


  • Who Can Operate+

  • Participating Countries (May 2021)+

  • Resources+


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