11/07/2015 | Radio Association of WNY Honors Veterans Day
Nov 7, 1400Z-2200Z, W2PE, North Tonawanda, NY. Radio Association of Western New York (RAWNY). 7.210 14.270 18.150 28.450. QSL. Aaron Heverin, 273 Homestead Dr, North Tonawanda, NY 14120. Celebrating our Veterans, the Radio Association of Western New York will activate its club station W2PE from on board both the USS Little Rock (Cleveland Class Cruiser, CL-92/CLG-4) and USS The Sullivans (Fletcher Class Destroyer, DD-537) in Buffalo, NY. Both vessels are part of the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. A special QSL card will be available to commemorate contacts made with the station if a SASE is submitted. More information about the vessels and the Buffalo Naval and Military park can be found at http://www buffalonavalpark.org. www.w2pe.com
11/07/2015 | Stone Mountain Hamfest Youth Lounge
Nov 7, 1400Z-1900Z, W4Y, Lawrenceville, GA. Mill Springs Academy Radio Club. PSK-31 14.070; SSB 7.288. QSL. Martha Muir, 1145 To Lani Dr, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. www.qrz.com/db/w4msa
11/07/2015 | USS Cobia WWII Submarine celebrating Vets Day and Commemorating the 52 Subs and Crew Members Lost in WWII
Nov 7-Nov 8, 1400Z-2100Z, NB9QV, Manitowoc, WI. USS Cobia Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 7.250. QSL. Fred Neuenfeldt, W6BSF, 4932 S 10th St, Manitowoc, WI 54220. SASE #10 for QSL www.qrz.com/db/nb9qv
11/07/2015 | Veterans Day
Nov 7-Nov 8, 1522Z-1522Z, K8V, Iron Mountain, MI. Mich-A-Con Amateur Radio Club. 14.280 14.090 14.040 7.230. Certificate & QSL. Thomas Martin, 812 West B St, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. From the Upper Peninsula Veterans Memorial www.qsl.net/ka1ddb
11/10/2015 | 40th Anniversary Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Nov 10-Nov 23, 0000Z-2359Z, W8F, Detroit, MI. Livonia Amateur Radio Club. 21.360 14.260 7.260 7.040. Certificate. Tas Foley, 37255 Eureka Rd, Romulus, MI 48174. For certificate, send business sized SASE. www.livoniaarc.com
11/11/2015 | The American Legion takes to the airwaves with a salute to veterans
Nov 11, 1400Z-2130Z, K9TAL, Indianapolis, IN. The American Legion Amateur Radio Club. 14.275; K9DC Rptr, 147.315 Indpls; IRLP Node 9735; 146.46 MHz Simplex. Certificate. The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, 700 N. Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204. www.legion.org/hamradio
11/11/2015 | Veterans Day Special Event
Nov 11, 1500Z-2200Z, W5KID, Baton Rouge, LA. Baton Rouge Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 14.060 7.240 7.060. QSL. USS KiddAmateur Radio Club, 305 S River Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. www.qrz.com/db/w5kid
11/11/2015 | Veterans Day Special Event
Nov 11, 1000Z-1800Z, W4NPT, North Port, FL. North Port Amateur Radio Club. 14.275 +/-. QSL. North Port Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 7716, North Port, FL 34290. www.w4npt.org