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  • 11/14/2015 | Celebrating 100 Years of QST Magazine

    Nov 14, 1600Z-2000Z, WE7GV, Green Valley, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada Dr (SAV), Green Valley, AZ 85614.

  • 11/14/2015 | Elizabeth Cady Stanton - 200th Birthday Event

    Nov 14-Nov 15, 1300Z-2300Z, K2JJI, Johnstown, NY. TRYON Amateur Radio Club. 21.200 14.237 7.225 3.890. Certificate. TRYON Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 335, Gloversville, NY 12078. Frequencies are subject to QRM, we will also other HF bands TBD. Updates and Certificate will be at during the event.

  • 11/14/2015 | NARCfest 2015

    Nov 14, 1400Z-2000Z, K0NXA, Nixa, MO. Nixa Amateur Radio Club. 28.375 21.290 14.240 14.030. Certificate. Larry Grinstead, 2469 E Montclair Ct, Springfield, MO 65804. Nixa Amateur Radio Club is celebrating the inauguration of its new communications trailer during its annual hamfest. Certificate with trailer pics available; send QSO details and S.A.S.E. to WA0JZK.

  • 11/14/2015 | Oklahoma State Hood Special Event

    Nov 14, 1500Z-2000Z, K5EOK, Edmond, OK. Edmond Amateur Radio Society. 21.275 14.225 7.175. Certificate. Edmond Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 48, Edmond, OK 73083.

  • 11/14/2015 | Pennsylvania National Fire Museum

    Nov 14-Nov 15, 1300Z-2100Z, W3UU, Harrisburg, PA. Harrisburg Radio Amateur's Club . 14.250; see list on the cluster . QSL. PNFM SES, 1820 N 4th St , Harrisburg, PA 17102. October 15, 2015 Contact: Richard E. Lenker (KB3YRC) (717) 236-1864 PA National Fire Museum Reaches Out to the World for Its 20th Birthday As part of its 20th anniversary celebration, the Pennsylvania National Fire Museum, in conjunction with the Harrisburg Radio Amateurs’ Club Inc, will hold a Special Event Station the weekend of Nov. 14-15. The event will be held at the museum at 1820 North 4th St, Harrisburg. Amateur (ham) radio operators will operate the Special Station on Saturday, Nov 14, from 8 am to 4 pm, and on Sunday, Nov 15, from noon to 4 pm. Special Event Stations are used by hams to help commemorate historical occasions or other special events. Members of the Harrisburg Radio Amateurs’ Club will use their radios to talk across the state, country and even around the world to spread the word about central Pennsylvania’s first-class fire museum. The Pennsylvania National Fire Museum opened on November 17, 1995.

  • 11/14/2015 | Veterans Day and USMC Birthday Special Event

    Nov 14, 1700Z-2359Z, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Ship . 14.320 7.250; PSK31 14.070; D-STAR REF 1C. QSL. USS Midway Museum Ship Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.

  • 11/15/2015 | Genesis of Ann Arbor 40th Anniversary

    Nov 15-Nov 16, 0900Z-1600Z, N8G, Ann Arbor, MI. ARROW Communications Association. 28.400 14.200. Certificate. Ralph Katz, 605 Skydale Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

  • 11/17/2015 | NRA's 144th Birthday Party

    Nov 17, 1500Z-2359Z, K7NRA, Paulden, AZ. Yavapai Amateur Radio Club. 7.250 14.040 14.250 21.335. Certificate. YARC, PO Box 11994, Prescott, AZ 86304.


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