12/18/2015 | Bethlehem, New Mexico
Dec 18-Dec 24, 1500Z-2300Z, KC5OUR, Belen, NM. Valencia County Amateur Radio Association. 28.383 21.283 14.283 7.183. QSL. VCARA, PO Box 268, Peralta, NM 87042. Please QSL to KC5OUR with SASE for QSL from Bethlehem New Mexico. www.kc5our.com
Dec 26, 1600Z-2000Z, WE7GV, Green Valley, AZ. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club. 14.246 14.244 14.242. Certificate & QSL. Green Valley Amateur Radio Club, 601 N La Canada (SAV), Green Valley, AZ 85614. Put that new rig you got for xmas on the air and give us a call. GVARC.US
12/31/2015 | 72 Rag Chew New Years Special Event
Dec 31-Jan 2, 0000Z-0000Z, K1R, Brooklyn, NY. 72 Rag Chew Group. 7.272. Certificate. Robert W. Lobenstein, WA2AXZ, 1958 E 36th St, Brooklyn, NY 11234. www.72chew.net
01/01/2016 | ASCRA 40th Anniversary QSL
Jan 1-Dec 31, 0000Z-2359Z, W0SHQ, Independence, MO. Association of Saints Church Radio Amateurs. 14.287 7.190. QSL. ASCRA, PO Box 73, Independence, MO 64051. ASCRA 40th ANNIVERSARY ASCRA is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of its First General Membership Meeting in 1976 and the 2016 Community of Christ World Conference. Make contact with W0SHQ during 2016 and you can receive a Special Edition Commemorative QSL Card celebrating both events. Please send a SASE with your QSL card confirming contact to: ASCRA, PO Box 73, Independence, MO 64051 ascra.org
01/02/2016 | 10th Annual Straight Key CW Event
Jan 2-Jan 31, 0000Z-2359Z, K3Y, Ellicot City. SKCC - Straight Key Century Club. 21.050 14.050 7.050 3.550. QSL. Jeff Peters, K9JP, 5562 Heritage Way, Traverse City, MI 49685. K3Y/0 thru 9 plus /KH6, /KL7, /KP4 and associated DX in six WAC areas operating straight key, bugs and cootie keys. QSL card confirms one QSO per area, up to 19 for all-area sweep. See URL for schedules, map, stats, etc. www.skccgroup.com/k3y
01/03/2016 | Ham Radio University
Jan 3-Jan 10, 0000Z-2359Z, W2HRU, Bethpage, NY. Ham Radio University Amateur Radio Club/NLI Section Convention. 14.225 7.200. QSL. Phil Lewis N2MUN, 22 Belle Terre W, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. QSL with SASE to: Phil Lewis N2MUN, also LoTW and eQSL. Ham Radio University all day forums Sunday Jan 10, 2016. www.hamradiouniversity.org
01/03/2016 | Ham Radio University / NLI Section Convention
Jan 3-Jan 10, 0001Z-2359Z, W2HRU, Bethpage, NY. Ham Radio University Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 7.250. QSL. Phil Lewis, N2MUN, 22 Belle Terre W, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. Sunday January 10, 2016 A day of education, sharing knowledge and friendship. 21 ham related forums with two workshops. Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, NY. Complete information at www.hamradiouniversity.org
01/03/2016 | Ham Radio University/NLI Section Convention
Jan 3-Jan 10, 0001Z-2359Z, W2HRU, Bethpage, NY. Ham Radio University Amateur Radio Club. 7.273. QSL. Phil Lewis, N2MUN, 22 Belle Terre, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. On air at various times, modes and HF bands throughout the week. QSL via W2 QSL Bureau, eQSL, LoTW or direct to Phil Lewis, N2MUN, 22 Belle Terre, West Lindenhurst, NY 11757 www.hamradiouniversity.org