10/16/2015 | 76th Anniversary of the USCG Auxiliary
Oct 16-Oct 18, 1600Z-0700Z, W7H, Cloverdale, OR. W7ILL . 28.355 21.355 14.290 7.290. QSL. William D. Hook, 24975 Sandlake Rd, Cloverdale, OR 97112. SASE please.
10/16/2015 | BSA Jamboree on the Air 2015
Oct 16-Oct 18, 1800Z-1800Z, K5B, Austin, TX. Capitol Area Council - Chisholm Trail District. 28.390 21.360 14.290 7.190. QSL. BSACAC JOTA QSL, 12500 N IH-35 , Austin, TX 78753.
10/16/2015 | Commemorate USCG Auxiliary 76th Anniversary
Oct 16-Oct 18, 1700Z-2300Z, K6T, Bullhead City, AZ. USCG Auxiliary District 11 South. 28.330 21.330 14.270 7.270. QSL. Timothy Thibodeaux, 2156 Oswood Ln, Bullhead City, AZ 86442. SASE please.
10/16/2015 | Commemorating USCG Aux. 76th Anniversary
Oct 16-Oct 18, 0000Z-2359Z, W0M, Champlin, MN. US Coast Guard Auxiliary District 8WR Division 11, Flotilla 01. 28.375 21.375 14.280. QSL. Jon D. Knutson, 7800 113 1/2 Ave N, Champlin, MN 55316. www.w0m.us
10/16/2015 | US Coast Guard Auxiliary 76th Anniversary
Oct 16-Oct 18, 1600Z-2200Z, N3G, Augustine Beach, DE. US Coast Guard Auxiliary. 14.070 14.059 7.039 1.810. QSL. Robin M. Begley, 3 Pancoast Ave, Aston, PA 19014. Portable CW & PSK-31 operation from Augustine Beach Delaware. Possible SSB conditions permitting.
10/17/2015 | 50th Anniversary of St. Louis Arch - WØA Special Event
Oct 17-Oct 25, 0900Z-2359Z, W0A, Saint Louis, MO. St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club (WØSRC). 14.250 7.250. QSL. SLSRC, PO Box 885, Ballwin, MO 63011. Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis Missouri! www.slsrc.org
10/17/2015 | Dempsey Challenge Bicycle Race
Oct 17-Oct 18, 1200Z-2300Z, N1D, Auburn, ME. Androscoggin ARC. 14.100 7.200 14.262 28.460. Certificate & QSL. Androscoggin ARC,W1NPP, PO Box 1, Auburn, ME 04212. www.w1npp.org
10/17/2015 | Hinton Rail Road Days
Oct 17-Oct 25, 0800Z-2100Z, K8H, Hinton, WV. William Edele, K8WEE. 21.277 18.130 14.250 7.180. Certificate & QSL. WIlliam Edele, 506 Temple St, Hinton, WV 25951.