01/01/2015 | 200 years entry Geneva in Swiss Confederation
Jan 1-Dec 31, 0000Z-2359Z, HE200GE, Geneva, SWITZERLAND. USKA Section Geneva HB9G. All bands, all modes as conditions permit. QSL. Yves Margot, HB9AOF, route Alphonse Ferrand 69, Bernex CH-1233, SWITZERLAND. In line with the IARU's new regulations QSLs will not be sent out automatically but only on receipt of an incoming card, either via the QSL bureau or directly if the incoming card is received with SASE. HB9AOF is Traffic Manager and also QSL Manager. If anyone wants a card direct, they should be asked to send it "via HB9AOF HB9AOF@sunrise.ch
01/01/2015 | 40th Anniversary Year
Jan 1-Dec 31, 0001Z-2359Z, K6BB, Big Bear Lake, CA. Big Bear Amateur Radio Club. 28.440 21.340 14.340 7.240. QSL. BBARC, PO Box 790, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. K6BB will celebrate this year long event on the air at various times throughout 2015. QSL via QRZ / on air info. The actual anniversary will be in September 2015 and we may add a special certificate as we did for our 25th. See you on the bands. #10 SASE for QSL & Brochure explaining the event. www.bbarc.org
02/01/2015 | 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Maple Leaf Flag
Feb 1-Mar 1, 0000Z-0500Z, CG350F , Mississauga, ON. Robert Emerson. 28.525 24.940 21.295 14.270. QSL. Robert Emerson, VE3RHE/CG350F, 6950 Summer Heights Dr, Mississauga, ON L5N 7E9, CANADA. QSL Cards will be available after the event. QSL via VE3RHE direct or bureau. canada-150th.ca
02/01/2015 | JY1 Memorial
Feb 1-Feb 28, 0000Z-0000Z, KB9GSY, Hammond, IN. Arab QRZ Club. 28.500 21.300 14.0252 7.190. QSL. Ayman Azar, 4421 Clark Ave, Hammond, IN 46327. Third Annual Memorial Special Event Station For JY1 The Former King Of The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan, All Bands 160-2 Meters, All Modes, Some Participating Stations World Wide Is : KB9GSY, KK4OK, KK4OW, OD5NJ, SU1HZ, E41WT, E41MT, 7X5TV, 7X5SDX & Many More. a Special Issue QSL Card Is Printed For All Stations. Information Email: kb9gsy@hotmail.com www.arabqrz.com/site/jy1.htm
02/15/2015 | Children's Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease Awareness
Feb 15-Feb 28, 0000Z-2359Z, K9C, Flora, IL. chILD Foundation. 14.250 14.070 7.180. QSL. Joseph Cartnal, 195 Leaf Dr, Flora, IL 62839. The station will be operated as available and a one man operation. The plan is to be on several modes but primarily phone. What is chILD? Children’s Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease (chILD) is not a single disease. Instead, it is a group of rare lung diseases found in infants, children, and adolescents. There are different types of chILD that vary in their severity and in their long term outcomes. In simplest terms, all types of chILD decrease a child’s ability to supply oxygen to their body. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for any form of chILD. If you suspect your child has chILD, consult a pediatric pulmonologist with expertise in chILD. wm9i@arrl.net
02/18/2015 | Jalapeno 100 Bike Ride
Feb 18-Feb 28, 0000Z-2300Z, K5J, Harlingen, TX. Fun N Sun Ham Radio Club. 147.140. Certificate. Dolores Maeder, 1400 Zillock Rd, Lot-Neighborly 134, San Benito, TX 78586.
03/01/2015 | New Providence (NJ) ARC 50th Anniversary
Mar 1-Mar 31, 0000Z-2359Z, N2XJ, New Providence, NJ. New Providence Amateur Radio Club. 28.365 21.365 14.265 7.265. QSL. NPARC, PO Box 813, New Providence, NJ 07974. may also operate CW and digital modes www.nparc.org
03/01/2015 | Reopening of World Cultural Heritage "Himeji Castle"
Mar 1-May 31, 0000Z-2359Z, 8N3HC/8N3HC/3, Himeji, JAPAN. JARL Himeji Amateur Radio Club. 160 meter to 70 centimeter bands, CW phone digital. QSL. do not send your QSL., QSL will be sent via JARL bureau., ,, JAPAN. 8N3HC will also be active in CQ WPX Contests, SSB/CW, Mar 28-29 and May 30-31, 2015.