ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
**Please refer to our TI Homepage for the most accurate and up-to-date information, application process and announcements for TI 2025**
What Is Teachers Institute?
ARRL's Teachers Institute provides teachers at all grade levels with tools and strategies to introduce wireless technology into their classrooms. The curriculum is designed for motivated teachers and other school staff who want to learn more about wireless technology and bring that knowledge to their students - real STEM instruction that will result in real student learning! Make the connections between the engineering and technology applications of science and math concepts.
- Wireless technology basics and the foundation of radio science
- Techniques to instruct the basic electronics of radio
- Concepts integral to microcontrollers and robotics
- Satellite communications and telemetry data
- Sensor technology
- Data gathering and analysis
What Happens At Teachers Institute?
TI-1 Wireless Technology:
The Teachers Institute (TI-1) is a 4-day professional development workshop filled with lectures, hands-on activities and demonstrations, building, programming, robotics, and exploration in Amateur Radio. Teachers are offered tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, radio science, satellite communication, Amateur Radio, microcontrollers and basic robotics to their classrooms. Participants are provided with materials such as an ARRL resource library and robotics kits.
Two sessions of the TI-1 workshop are offered to qualifi ed applicants. Enrollment for each TI-1 session is limited to 12-14 participants to maximize participation and individual attention.
TI-2 Remote Sensing & Data Gathering:
This advanced Institute focuses on the basic electronics of sensors (temperature, pressure, position, humidity, etc.), the analog to digital conversion of sensor data, the microcontroller programming involved in accessing sensors, and the use of radio to connect sensor outputs to the user. Once the basics of remote sensing are introduced, teachers assemble a buoy system for deploying sensors to do environmental studies.
The TI-2 also includes a demonstration of telemetry data gathering from amateur satellites, basic amateur satellite operation, and a discussion of applications of the satellite data to math and science topics. TI-2 participants will learn how to confi gure the Boe-Bot® robot provided in the introductory workshop for MAREA—Mars Lander Amateur Radio Robotic Exploration Activity— operation.
Teachers Institute In Action:
To learn more, watch this video from the most recent Teacher's Institute held at ARRL Headquarters in Newington CT during Summer 2018.
When Is Teachers Institute?
**Please refer to our TI Homepage for the most accurate and up-to-date information, application process and announcements for TI 2025**
How Much Does It Cost?
Tuition, resources and most expenses to attend are paid by donations to the ARRL Education and Technology Program (ETP) Fund. Travel (up to $600) and lodging expenses are reimbursed, and a per diem for meals is provided. To qualify for full expense reimbursement, participants must complete all Institute activities. A $100 enrollment fee is required with the application. (Enrollment fees are refunded to applicants who are not admitted.)
Travel and reimbursement guidelines.
Who Is Eligible?
- Teachers active in school, college, or professional educational organizations serving grade levels 4-12+, or those leading school affi liated enrichment programs.
- An Amateur Radio license is NOT required to attend the introductory TI-1 session.
- An Amateur Radio license is required to attend the advanced TI-2, Remote Sensing workshop.
How Do I Apply?
**Please refer to our TI Homepage for the most accurate and up-to-date information, application process and announcements for TI 2025**
If you have any questions contact
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