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  • 04/11/2025 | National Library Week 2025

    Apr 11-Apr 13, 1600Z-1600Z, K8L, Youngstown, OH. The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County. 14.074 7.074 14.250 7.250. QSL. K8L (National Library Week), 239 Elvira Ct., Mc Donald, OH 44437. Celebrate National Library Week 2025. We will be operating from various libraries local to Youngstown, OH. We will be on mainly 20m and 40m, both SSB & FT8. Receive a themed QSL card. More information on QRZ.

  • 04/12/2025 | 70th Anniversary of the Birmingham Zoo

    Apr 12-Apr 13, 0000Z-2359Z, W70ZOO, Birmingham, AL. N4GHP. 7.296<> 14.296<> 7.290 7.290. Certificate & QSL. Lloyd Palmer, 1325 Windsor Ct, Alabaster, AL 35007. This event is planned for April 2025. Watch for more details.

  • 04/26/2025 | Marconi Day Event

    Apr 26, 1300Z-2030Z, W2GSB, Babylon, NY. GREAT SOUTH BAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB . 28.340 21.250 14.246 7.245. Certificate. W2GSB GSBAC, PO Box 1356, Babylon, NY 11704. Operating from the Babylon Village Historical Society Museum for Marconi Day, which was the home of the Marconi School for radio operators 3 stations using CW SSB FT8 WWW.GSBARC.ORG

  • 05/17/2025 | Air power Museum Honoring all veterans

    May 17, 1300Z-2000Z, W2GSB, West Bablyon, NY. GREAT SOUTH BAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB . 28.340 21.250 14.246 7.245. Certificate. GREAT SOUTH BAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, PO BOX 1356 , West Babylon, NY 11704. Operating inside the historic hangar from World War Two is where Rosie the Riveter became famous. This special event honors all who have served and done their part to defend our country and democracy. Please join us on the air for this special event station certificates. Look us up on qrz WWW.GSBARC.ORG

  • 06/01/2025 | W2W D-Day Commemoration

    Jun 1-Jun 14, 1300Z-2200Z, W2W, Hunt Valley, MD. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM). 14.244 14.044 7.244 7.044. Certificate & QSL. ARCNEM, 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will operate W2W in commemoration of the anniversary of D-Day and the role of electronics in WWII. Primary operation will be June 1-June 6 with additional operation possible during June 7-14 as operator availability permits. Operation on 80M (3.544, 3.844), additional bands and digital modes possible during event. Frequencies +/- according to QRM. QSL and Certificate available via SASE; details at

  • 06/07/2025 | Ships On The Air

    Jun 7-Jun 8, 0359Z-2359Z, K4D, Jacksonville, FL. Orleck Amateur Radio Society. 7.225 14.250. Certificate. John Reynolds, 5547 Lofty Pines Cir S, Jacksonville, FL 32210. Operate around the clock with the worldwide Ships On The Air event

  • 06/28/2025 | Field day

    Jun 28-Jun 29, 1800Z-1800Z, W2GSB, Lindenhurst, NY. GREAT SOUTH BAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB . 28.340 21.250 14.246 7.245. Certificate. W2GSB, PO BOX 1356, West Babylon, NY 11704. GSBARC 3F battery-powered open to the public We will run three stations on battery power in all modes on all three radios location 200 East Sunrise hwy N Lindenhurst NY We welcome anyone to stop by good luck to all WWW.GSBARC.ORG

  • 07/18/2025 | W3A Commemoration of Apollo 11 Live TV From the Moon that Allowed the World to See Mankind’s First Steps on the Lunar Surface

    Jul 18-Jul 21, 1300Z-2200Z, W3A, Hunt Valley, MD. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM). 14.269 14.069 7.269 7.069. Certificate & QSL. ARCNEM, 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will operate W3A commemorating live TV from the moon that allowed the world to see mankind’s first steps on the lunar surface. One of the remaining Westinghouse cameras is on display at the National Electronics Museum. Operation on 80M (3.869, 3.569) and digital modes possible during event. Frequencies +/- according to QRM. QSL and Certificate available via SASE; details at


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