09/23/2023 | Lovettsville, VA Octoberfest
Sep 23, 1000Z-1700Z, K4LRG/N4RAF, Lovettsville, VA. Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. 14.200 (Tentative). Certificate. William Daniels, K3WD, 12023 George Farm Drive, Lovettsville, VA 20180. Demonstrating Amateur Radio to the community. We will also be supporting the event with communications as a public service. https://k4lrg.org/events/oktoberfest/ or wwdaniels@aol.com
09/23/2023 | SENRC 87th Anniversary
Sep 23-Sep 24, 1500Z-1900Z, N0N, Johnson, NE. SouthEast Nebraska Radio Club (W9WKP). 7.200. Certificate & QSL. Chuck Bennett, KC0PTK, PO Box 67181, Lincoln, NE 68506. Sep 23, 1500-2300, and Sep 24, 1500-1900 daily. senebrradioclub@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/SENRC
09/23/2023 | Volcano Days - West Virginia Oil and Gas History
Sep 23, 1400Z-2200Z, W8PAR, Parkersburg, WV. Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub. 7.200 14.225; FT8. Certificate & QSL. Jerry Wharton KA8NJW, 1722 20th. St., Parkersburg, WV 26101. www.w8par.org
09/23/2023 | W3BN 275th Anniversary of Reading PA
Sep 23-Sep 24, 1300Z-0100Z, W3BN, Reading, PA. Reading Radio Club. 14.255 21.255 7.245 3.883. Certificate. Reading Radio Club, P.O. Box 6453, Reading, PA 19610-6453. Reading Radio Club will operate three stations on SSB to celebrate the 275th anniversary of the founding of the City of Reading, PA. Check DX spotting networks. w3bn275@gmail.com or www.qrz.com/db/w3bn
09/24/2023 | FMCA-ARC Fall Rally/POTA
Sep 24-Sep 26, 0000Z-2100Z, W0M, St. Peters, MO. Family Motor Coach Association. 7.040 7.240 14.040 14.260. QSL. John Bechtoldt, 1418 South Yale Dr, O Fallon, IL 62269. POTA at Gateway Arch-Sept 25th fmcaarc.com
09/25/2023 | 243 Anniversary Muster at Sycamore Shoals on the Watauga River and March to Kings Mountain
Sep 25-Oct 7, 1700Z-1700Z, WR4CC, Elizabethton, TN. Carter County Amateur Radio Association. 3.900 7.075 14.290 21.350. QSL. Larry Davis, KM4RWO, 172 Carl Taylor Dr, Elizabethton, TN 37643. WR4CC.org
09/29/2023 | Elmer Special Event
Sep 29-Oct 1, 0000Z-0000Z, W1E, Prospect, CT. KB1FGC. 7.040 14.040 14.300 21.040. Certificate. Rich Guerrera, 19 Terry Rd, Prospect, CT 06712. Frequencies are rough guidlines.We will be on SSB and CW https://www.qrz.com/db/W1E/ELMER
09/29/2023 | WWV 104th Anniversary
Sep 29-Oct 1, 1200Z-2359Z, WW0WWV, Fort Collins, CO. WWV Amateur Radio Club. 14.238 14.038 7.238 7.038. QSL. WWV Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 273226, Fort Collins, CO 80527. The WWV Amateur Radio Club will be on-the-air as WW0WWV once again this fall, celebrating WWV radio station's 104th year with the call sign. While only operating 60 hours, we'll be easier to find since our operators won't have to cover so many days! We'll be around the .x38s on CW and SSB on as many bands as possible, including WARC; various digital modes as well as any satellite schedules will be listed on our website spreadsheet on our homepage. We look forward to a QSO! wwvarc.org