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  • 02/21/2014 | 56th Annual Daytona 500 - Speedweeks 2104

    Feb 21-Feb 24, 1200Z-0300Z, N4DAB, Daytona Beach, FL. Daytona Beach CERT Amateur Radio Club. 80m-10m CW SSB Digital 6m CW SSB Digital. Certificate & QSL. Stephen W. Szabo, WB4OMM, 536 Central Park Blvd, Port Orange, FL 32127. Daytona Beach CERT Amateur Radio Club. HF and 6 m; CW SSB DIGITAL (PKS31, RTTY, JT65). Steve Szabo WB4OMM, 536 Central Park Blvd, Port Orange, FL 32127. Several stations participating and on the air simultaneously. Primary operating hours 0900 to 2400 each day local time as operators are available. Frequencies announced via spotting networks as station activate, and posted on the club website. QSL card and Commemorative Certificate available. QSL Card: Your card with a SASE for direct, or via the bureau. Certificate information will be published on our web site as costs and permissions (logos) are confirmed. For more information, contact Steve WB4OMM at:

  • 02/22/2014 | 69th Anniversary of the Battle for Iwo Jima

    Feb 22, 1500Z-2200Z, W0FSB, Waterloo, IA. Five Sullivan Brothers Amateur Radio Club. 21.240 14.240 7.240. Certificate & QSL. Five Sullivan Bros ARC, 3186 Brandon Diagonal Blvd, Brandon, IA 52210. For QSL card: Send card and #10 SASE; For Certificate &QSL: Send QSL, address label and 3 Forever stamps; For eQSL & Certificate: Send eQSL, then an email, requesting a .jpeg file of the certificate that you can print yourself

  • 02/22/2014 | George Washington's Birthday

    Feb 22-Feb 23, 0001Z-0001Z, WS7G, Moses Lake, WA. Columbia Basin DX Club. 18.135 14.250 3.850. QSL. Brian J. Nielson, 11650 Road 1 SE, Moses Lake, WA 98837.

  • 02/22/2014 | Rotarians on Amateur Radio End Polio Now

    Feb 22-Feb 23, 0000Z-2359Z, KB6NU, Ann Arbor, MI. Rotarians on Amateur Radio. 28.390 21.290 14.290 7.190. Certificate. Dan Romanchik, 1325 Orkney Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Members of the international organization Rotarians on Amateur Radio will be calling "CQ Polio" all weekend to commemorate the founding of Rotary International in 1905 and to educate the public about Rotary's End Polio Now campaign, which is getting very close to eradicating polio throughout the world

  • 02/26/2014 | Snow Bird Field Day

    Feb 26, 1521Z-2121Z, W7ASL, Mesa, AZ. Sun Life Amateur Radio Club. 21.440 18.158 14.340 7.290. QSL. Earl Palmer, N7EP, 560 S Rosemont, Mesa, AZ 85206. The control operator for this event is N7EP. QSL via SASE to N7EP, Earl Palmer, 560 S Rosemont, Mesa Az 85206.

  • 03/01/2014 | Nuclear Security Summit 2014

    Mar 1-Mar 31, 1200Z-1800Z, PD6NUKE, Boskoop, NETHERLANDS. VERON. 14.070 PSK - 14.200 SSB 7.100 SSB - 7.060 PSK 28.120 PSK - 28.400 SSB. QSL. Mark Voskuilen, Rietkraag 10, Boskoop 2771 KX , NETHERLANDS.

  • 03/09/2014 | Lost Hour Special Event Station

    Mar 9, 0000Z-0500Z, W8BAP, Chillicothe, OH. Scioto Valley Amateur Radio Club. 28.455 14.280 7.250 3.860. Certificate. Jim Boyce, 604 W 5th St, Chillicothe, OH 45601. This is the third annual special event to celebrate the change to Daylight Savings time.

  • 03/09/2014 | Pennsylvania Charter Day

    Mar 9, 0000Z-2359Z, WM3PEN, Philadelphia, PA. Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club. 14.260 7.200. QSL. Holmesburg ARC, 3341 Sheffield Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19136. Celebrating William Penn receiving the Charter for Pennsylvania from the King of England.


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