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2014 ARRL International DX Contest (Phone)

03/02/2014 | KC2TA

I'm a bit hoarse, but some hot tea should soothe that quickly enough.

Packed it in with a claimed:

135,954 Pts      273 Q's     166 Countries

Was going to try for 300, but the throat got the better of me and I called it quits around 1700 local.  Briefly heard a couple of stations from the area, but didn't have the chance to catch them and check how they did.  

This effort was less than 1/2 the score of my CW entry at the claimed level, which I expected.  My call seems to be a real pain to the DX (and some locals) where Tango Alpha sounds like Echo Ocean, Echo Alpha or some other combination that I can't remember.  And how does one mistake a 2 for a 6 in my call on a clear frequency with no other callers that I could hear, and the station came back on the first call?  Took four or five passes to get the call right.

Well, I've now pretty much contested myself out.  Soccer season starts up this coming weekend (March 8) and my daughter gets married the following weekend.  Then there is no real stretch of free time until mid-August, other than a weekend fishing trip when there are no contests that I wish to operate.

-- KC2TA





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