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2013 ARRL Straight Key Night

01/02/2013 | WB8DQT

Although physicists will claim that there is no such thing as a time machine, it is obvious that none of them have participated in Straight Key Night (SKN). Hundreds of operators fire up classic vintage gear (restored or replicated) and everyone, whether operating a classic or the latest SDR powerhouse, disconnects the computers, keyers, or keyboards, and dusts off the straight keys and bugs for a 24-hour exercise in rampant nostalgia. Were it not for the occasional aches and pains, it would be easy to believe that I had been transported over 55 years back in time to a log cabin in the mountains of northern New Jersey where I first had the opportunity to immerse myself in the magic of radio! It is still magic, all the more so when reduced to the simplicity of a straight key, a very basic transmitter, and a simple paper logbook.  This year I was limited to a seven-hour slice of 40 meters in daylight on New Year’s  day. Everything was as simple as I could make it – the paper log, my two-tube W1TS QRP transmitter (built from a 1968 QST article), and an elegant Swedish Pump straight key. The result was a stress free series of thirteen first-rate QSO’s. My best DX was almost 600 miles, which is pretty good for 5 watts on 40 meters at mid-day! The event was characterized by the usual relaxed courtesy, and wide-ranging conversations on all things radio and beyond. Over the years I have heard many vintage transmitters that probably should not have been put on the air, but this year I didn’t run into any signals I had to chase around the band or that could be recognized by their distinctive “chirp”. Had a nice chat with Ed, (WB8CFO) down in Ohio who was using a DX60 and a VFO that sounded as good as any respectable piece of modern gear – just like it should! All the fists were very respectable, something I credit to the membership base of the Straight Key Century Club who can be found literally pounding brass every day of the year. I encourage everybody to take a few hours to go time traveling the next time the calendar rolls around to the start of a new year!






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