2012 ARRL September VHF Contest
Had a short Es opening on 50 MHz to Georgia and South Carolina Saturday evening. Any Es is a special treat in the September VHF contest. W3GMT EM92 was strong to EM28 for about an hour. Also worked WA4NJP, W4IMD EM84 and WB4PPW. But after seeing all the 6M DX spots on the packet clusters after the contest... the midwest was left out. Conditions on the higher bands were very poor due to a cold front coming through Saturday afternoon. Best DX on 2 Meters was KA0PQW EN33 at 587 km Sunday morning with 10 watts and a 7 el M2 yagi. Signals generally weaker on 432 MHz. Best DX on 70 cm N0LL EM09 and W0LGQ EN21.
-- N0JKBack