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2009 ARRL Straight Key Night

01/02/2009 | WD6DBM I've had such a blast the past few SKNs I decided to go all out this year. I recapped two Heathkit HW-16s over the holidays, and was up until 3am the night before SKN rebuilding the HP-23B power supply for my Heathkit HX-1681--I went totally vintage for SKN.

I ended up having 15 QSOs that ranged from 5 minutes to over an hour. Total operating time in QSO was 6 1/2 hours. I had a number of memorable QSOs including working Denny, AE6C, again after working him last year during SKN! His ARC-5 has a distinctive note. I also worked Mitch, KB6FPW, twice--on two different bands and on two different rigs. We yakked for over an hour about restoration of old rigs and he passed on some great tips. Thanks, Mitch!

This year I used my highly modified HW-16 built by my Elmer, W5NYT, that features a a 2nd IF, 5 bands, built-in calibrator, loading control, amplifier relay, twin meters, adjustable sine-wave sidetone, and other improvements. I also used a Heathkit HX-1681/HR-1680 combination which was about as good as it got for CW in the Heathkit era.

My keys included my first key, a 1967 Speed-X that I bought at the age of 12 with my own earned money. I also used a FISTS edition Vibroplex straight key (smoooooth), and two bugs, a 1959 Vibroplex Champion and a 1960 Vibroplex Original--both slowed down with Vari-eze (training wheels).

I tried to make at least one contact on 20m with my HW-8 and a Soviet military straight key, but conditions were a little overwhelming for 1 watt and and a wide filter.

As predicted, I had an absolute ball! I especially enjoyed working other vintage rigs including a Heathkit HW-101 operated by Don, WD8OCV, that sounded perfect--no chirp, no drift! Now I have something to shoot for next year since my Heathkit herd was still a tad obstreperous.

It was great to hear all the activity this year, and I look forward to next year! Thanks everybody! 73, Eric -- WD6DBM





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