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2006 ARRL RTTY Roundup

01/24/2006 | F6IRF After the disapointing 2005 attempt (did not manage to enter the top-ten in HP category), I decided to try something else... so why not LP; better be at max allowed power in LP than at 1/3 of the max allowed HP power!
Started on 20m, but the band was closing and many W-stations could not copy me (too busy working each others), so bad start...
Got better after 2200z, when 40m came to life, but it did not last...
However passed 400 before going to bed, which was not too bad, and finaly the activity helping and conditions improving, I managed to pass the 1000 Q's mark after 19h30 of airtime. (1hour more than it took me during the last JARTS, but not too bad for LP!)...
Looking at others scores, get the feeling that North and East located
EU-stations, did not get the same kind of conditions...
So at the end, and though I was not expecting a score, the result is quite successfull compaired to last year: more qso's, more countries and more states making a 55% points increase.
Maybe a new EU-LP record, so a good weekend !

Graphical stats and photos on my blog

Also for the fist time, I have put a few audio clips online, demonstrating how you boost a slow going LP-run with SO2R, while keeping never more than 1 signal on the air (but almost always 1 signal on the air!).

Hope you enjoy it...
Thanks all for the QSO's and cu soon on the bands !
Patrick -- F6IRF





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