2005 ARRL June VHF Contest
After working the contest from the same location over the last few years we decided to go out on a limb and try a new spot. Our old location had become infested with FM broadcast transmitters and other high power commercial noise generators. The new spot was unknown and without power thus requiring us to add a generator to our arsenal.
The road was challenging for a 2 wheel drive low clearance pickup. We dragged frame rails, springs, guards, etc. even performed some road work with a hammer to get to the site. The last mile was impossible so we setup a few hundred feet below the summit.
The generator worked great and the bands were open from the start.
50 and 144 MHz. amplifiers survived 5 hours - just long enough to get through some of the doldrums. A terrific 2 meter opening occurred shortly after the contest started. We worked EM12, 31, and 32 with just 7 elements and 100watts of power (very rare in AZ).
50 MHz. was strong for 10 hours with some contacts into FL and NC. Near dusk signals from DM79 were in excess of 20 over S9. We worked hard to reach the 100 grid mark on 6 but fell short by 2 grids. We missed the EN and DN contacts that were in prior logs but the EL and FM contacts were a great addition. Overall we did well on 6 and left plenty of room for improvement on the other bands.
It was great to hear activity on the VHF bands.
Plans are already in the works for next year.
Matt and Chris
K7MWD and K0CAO DM34 -- K7MWD