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2004 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes

01/27/2004 | K0MHC/4 This was my first contest operated from our RV while camping so I didn't quite know what to expect. After dreaming about extreme, multiband station configurations I settled on what I had on board. An FT-100 operating on 6 meters with a 34' push up pole and stacked Moxon beams. One quick trip to the local Radio Shack located RF cables for the phasing network and an audio cable for the CW paddle.

The station was checked out before the contest with locals that left some doubt about overall operating capability. The 6 meter noise level is quite high in an RV and campground environment. I soon learned that I could work most stations heard as long as there wasn't a pile up. We had good openings here in Bradenton, FL to New England and Texas as well as many other states East of the Mississippi. However, the contest activities ended abruptly when two neighbors in the campground stopped by to discuss their TV reception problems. Unfortunately, the stacked Moxons were highly visible and attracted too much attention. Does anyone know of a Wal-Mart parking lot located at the intersection of 4 grid squares for next year?

While the cooperation from local stations was helpful, a Florida based weak signal club/society (similar to NLRS, RMG, etc.) would have been beneficial with a reflector, beacon list, nets and get togethers. It would be a good investment in the local infrastructure. See y'all at the Orlando hamfest and Atlanta weak signal conference.

73, Jim, K0MHC/RV/4 -- K0MHC





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