2022 ARRL Field Day
The Charlotte Amateur Radio Society operated WX4E 3A WCF from the banks of the Peace River at Peace River Shores, Punta Gorda Florida. Used a tribander at 45 feet, fan dipole, DX commander and a stressed moxon for 6 meters. An arrow antenna snagged a satellite contact. The Charlotte County Board of Commissioners had issued a proclamation declaring the week prior to Field Day as "Amateur Radio Week". See the proclmation here: https://youtu.be/Z_34-PSCN9o
The TV station in Ft Myers came up to Punta Gorda and shot a nice story about ham radio which aired a few days before Field Day. The nice story captured the spirit of amatuer radio. It was shot in AA5UN's shack and starred AA5UN, N3FNN, and K3FHP. The video is on the Wink News site at: https://www.winknews.com/2022/06/24/ham-radio-operators-a-long-lasting-technology/
Great time-even with the Florida liquid sunshine that made us go QRT for a bit. AA5UN managed to work his old Texas club W5PC.
The Field Day effort video can be seen here: https://youtu.be/jaOWapiEOSs
And a photo slide show here: https://youtu.be/_8CE7xyNjoQ
A great balanced team effort. Operators included: AA5UN, W6BFK, N4LJT, KO4SPC, W3IGM, K4NAX, KM4LKC, KO4ACY, NC4CC, N3FNN, and K3FHP
-- AA5UNBack