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ARRL Sections - New Hampshire

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Contact Information

Section Name:
New Hampshire
Peter Stohrer
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Basic Information

New England


Phil Brooks, KA1PXZ, Chief of NEAR-Fest, is pleased to announce that, effective October 4th, 2024, the New England Amateur Radio Festival, known as NEAR-Fest, will be held at the Hillsborough County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds and Youth Center located at New Boston NH, approximately 15 miles west of Manchester.

 The reason for the permanent change in venue is due to ongoing scheduling conflicts with other events at the Deerfield (NH) Fairgrounds, NEAR-Fest’s home for the past eighteen years.

 The hard decision to move the popular New England hamfest was taken by a unanimous vote of NEAR-Fest’s Board of Directors on May 17th, 2024.

In endorsing the decision NEAR-Fest’s Benevolent Dictator Emeritus, Michael Crestohl, W1RC, aka “Mister Mike” commented: “This was inevitable. The Deerfield Fairgrounds is becoming more and more popular with exhibitors and, as a designated agricultural fairgrounds, they have to give priority to agricultural events. We had a fabulous eighteen-year run. I am confident that Phil and Kelley, along with their team, will take NEAR-Fest forward at our new location for many years to come.”

Other than the location nothing else will change. It is still the same NEAR-Fest we have all known and loved since 2007.!

NEAR-Fest XXXVI will be held Friday October 4th and Saturday October 5th, 2024 at the Hillsborough County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, located at 17 Hilldale Lane, (Route 13) New Boston NH. GPS Coordinates 42.9842430, -71.6793460.

See you there!

NEAR-Fest (The New England Amateur Radio Festival, Inc.) 

PO Box 172, Barton VT 05822 (781) 639-9172 

World Wide Web: E-mail:



NH ARRL Web site


NH Field Organization

Section Manager - Peter Stohrer, W1FEA

Section Emergency Coordinator -  Al Shuman, K1AKS

Section Traffic Manager-  John Gotthardt, K1UAF

Section Youth Coordinator - Phil Donovan, N1UNH

Affiliated Club Coordinator-  Al Shuman, K1AKS

Public Information Coordinator - "Skip" Camejo, AC1LC


 NH Section and NTS traffic net times and frequencies

Vermont / New Hampshire CW Traffic Net (VTNH) 7p Daily 3539khz

Granite St Traffic Net (GSTN) 9p Daily N1IMO 146.79 Repeater Pittsfield

Capital Area Digital Net (CADN) 8p Wednesday 146.94 Concord

NH ARES Section Net 8:30a Saturday 3976 khz

1RN C2 Early (LSB) Traffic Net  1:45p Daily   3948 khz (7233 khz condX)

Eastern Area Net (LSB)  2:30p Daily 7222 khz

1RN C2 Late ( LSB) Traffic Net  3:30p Daily   3948 khz

1RN C4 Early CW Traffic Net   7:45p Daily   3598 khz

Eastern Area Net (CW)            8:30p Daily   3552 khz

1RN C4 Late  CW Traffic Net   9:30p Daily   3598 khz


Congratulations and welcome to the new NH Amateur's for May 2024

Wilson Velasquez, KC1URS

Winslow E Whitten, KC1URT

Richard Uhlman, KC1URC 

Connor Fongeallaz, KC1USI 

Andrew C Mack, KC1URW 

Haram Jo, KC1URP

Mark C Goodrich, KC1URF

Matthew A Costa, KC1UPO

Gary K Brooks, KC1USB

Christopher Andrews, KC1URD

Courtney N Andrews, KC1URE

Joseph W Cormier, KC1UPR 

Matthew A White, KC1URQ 

William F Waters, KC1UPU

Sara Champagne, KC1UOK

Nathaniel Champagne, KC1UOJ

Donald L Cormier, KC1UPV

Bobby Woods, KC1UQS

Michael R Fortier, KC1URG

Peter S Russo, KC1UPG

Nicholas Sadler, KC1UOY

Thomas M Rossi, KC1UNR

Carsten S Petersen, KC1UQA

George M Frechette, KC1USN

Earl S Mackenzie, KC1UQD 

Daniel J Scott, KC1USF 

James M Prange, KC1USO 

Walton A Green, KC1USL

Justin Guy, KC1UOU



Amateur Radio HAPPENINGS around the Section

For the latest NH Hams news -

Members of the New Hampshire ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) will be conducting their annual SET (Simulated Emergency Test) on Saturday November 4th.

Modern communication systems, cellular, landline and internet capabilities have become integral parts of every day life and the public has become dependent on this infrastructure to provide those services.  But what happens when the communication infrastructure is damaged or disabled?  How can communication occur when there is no cellular service, no internet or no telephone? 

The ARRL (American Radio Relay League) the national association for amateur radio in the United States, has an answer and a program to address such a scenario.  The ARRL slogan is “When all else fails, amateur radio gets through.”  The ARRL program during such a communications failure is ARES.  ARES communicators are trained and federally licensed amateur radio operators who utilize their own radio equipment to provide a valuable auxiliary communication capability to emergency services agencies, all at no cost. ARES groups throughout the country routinely activate their members to respond to communication outages due to hurricanes, floods, wild fires, tornadoes and earthquakes.

Members of the New Hampshire ARES groups will be operating their amateur radio, also more commonly known as ham radio, equipment from their home bases or deploying to various locations throughout the state.  The public may observe radio operators utilizing portable hand held radios, from vehicle mounted mobile radios or from Go Boxes that are portable base stations with more extensive communication capabilities that may be deployed in public areas, higher terrain and outside key municipal buildings to test their operational capabilities. Message handling will involve relaying messages from different parts of the state to the New Hampshire Emergency Operations Center through a relay site in Bow using only ham radios.

The SET will be based on simulating the recovery phase of a major hurricane that caused widespread damage to interior New Hampshire and much of central New England damaging or disabling the communication infrastructure.

There are five goals for this year’s SET.

1.  Test message handling skills of ARES ham radio operators.

2.   Test ability to function with HF (high frequency) and VHF (very high frequency) simplex, direct radio to radio operation. This means that there will be no radio repeater systems, which operate similar to cellular systems, used during the SET.  This is to simulate major damage to the infrastructure that disables ham radio repeaters, cellular, landline and internet communication capabilities in the state.

3. Test operation of the New Hampshire HF Traffic and Coordination net and local VHF nets.

4. Test ability of individual stations to operate in a portable configuration.

5. Test various high-point relay sites’ ability to reach Bow command relay site.

The SET Exercise start 8 AM and concludes at 1 PM on Saturday.

Additional information regarding New Hampshire ARES and the ARRL is available at:




October 19, 2023

For more information contact: Jay Taft

The Merrimack Valley Amateur Radio Association (MVARA) has received a
grant award of $46,125 from Amateur Radio Digital Communication, a
California-based foundation, to expand its current 7-node microwave
network in southern New Hampshire. The project includes extending the
New Hampshire network into northeastern Massachusetts and southwestern
Maine as a bridge between states towards to the larger goal of a New
England-wide network.

The grant proposal was co-authored by Jay Taft K1EHZ, Bill Barber NE1B
and Jennifer Herting KD2BEC. The microwave network is IP-based, so
amateur radio operators can use applications that normally run on the
internet such as email, file transfer, weather station data, voice over
IP telephone, and video streaming.

The project is a collaboration with the New England Digital Emergency
Communications Network to provide microwave radio backup to Digital
Mobile Radio (DMR) repeaters in New Hampshire that rely on the internet
for primary connectivity between sites. Collaborating on DMR sites
increases MVARA's capability to support local emergency management
organizations with amateur radio operators and equipment.

Recently, two towns have expressed interest in having amateur radio
microwave capability installed on municipal towers so amateur radio
operators can backup town communications that normally run over the

The project benefits DMR communications such as SkyWarn nets when the
internet is disrupted.  Skywarn is a program of the National Weather
Service that utilizes volunteers to report weather conditions and
provide ground truth observations to the Weather Service.  Amateur radio
operators are able to report conditions and observations to the Weather
Service by radio using the DMR network.  The upgrade allows siting DMR
repeaters where no internet exists such as the current node on Crotched
Mountain in Francestown. The project also benefits amateur radio
operators backing up communications for various public and private
organizations for public service events and emergency or disaster

Amateur radio provides a means of communication during disasters such as
hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, ice storms and wildfires when
many times conventional systems such as landline telephone or cellular
service are disabled.  The upgrades being made through this grant
provides the Merrimack Valley and surrounding areas with a significant
increase in routine and emergency backup communication capabilities to
enhance public safety with amateur radio.

Raul "Skip" Camejo - AC1LC
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL New Hampshire Section
Public Information Officer
New Hampshire ARES
PO Box 206
Ashland, NH 03217


Send your club information for posting to

The New England Amateur Radio Festival (NEAR-Fest) will be held on October 13 - 14, 2023. NEAR-Fest is an international event run by and aimed at all radio hobbyists and enthusiasts, including hams, short-wave listeners, scanner buffs, and vintage/antique radio fans. NEAR-Fest is held biannually in the spring and fall, rain or shine, at the Deerfield Fairgrounds in Deerfield, New Hampshire. The event will begin on Friday at 0900 ET and end on Saturday at 1500 ET. NEAR-Fest typically attracts attendees from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and other states, as well as from Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, Canada. Some attendees travel great distances. One participant from Los Angeles, California, has attended NEAR-Fest 15 times, and in 2010, one radio amateur traveled from Greece. The program will feature a huge outdoor electronic flea market and three buildings full of commercial vendors, forums, technical seminars and symposiums, demonstrations, exhibits, displays, licensing examinations, special event radio stations, and a jam session. The event is the largest of its kind in the Northeast and was once described as the "Woodstock of Amateur Radio." More information is available at www.Home -


July 28, 2023

Posting neighboring Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan's N1EP Membership Challange

Membership Challenge

Many of you have already heard of the ARRL board decision to increase membership dues and make changes in the way we receive magazines, such as QST.  If not, I invite you to read ARRL President Rick Roderick’s (K5UR) letter dated July 23, 2023 in an ARRL bulletin. It is available on the ARRL web site.

For the past year or so, our division directors and other League officials have been warning us about the serious financial situation that the ARRL has been in the past few years, caused primarily from inflation, especially the rampart cost increases of print media such as QST.  In May, members were asked to take the membership dues survey. About 20% of ARRL membership answered that call and the Board has taken the results of that survey and made the tough choices.

Like many of you, I do not relish the idea of a dues increase, and especially I do not like that the print magazines will no longer be part of the membership benefits (you still get the digital versions of all the magazines free with membership). Now to receive a printed QST, On The Air, NCJ, or QEX magazine, you have to subscribe separately. I am one of those that still likes to hold a paper book or magazine.

But then, I think how much the ARRL, ham radio clubs (most of them ARRL-affiliated) and my fellow amateur radio operators mean to me. It boils down to people, to friendship, and camaraderie.  If not for the ARRL and for all of the clubs and ham radio events, I would miss out on the great friendships I have forged through the past 27 years. It is my relationship with the League, affiliated clubs and all the individuals I have met through them that has made such a positive impact on my life. I love the coffee meets, hamfest gatherings, convention get-togethers, club suppers, and all the ham radio nets where we get to chat, laugh, innovate, maybe even instigate, and otherwise socialize.

There is no doubt in my mind that this amazing hobby and service would not exist as it is today without the ARRL. The League’s advocacy and lobbying is why we have so many amateur radio bands and modes. There are many other commercial entities that want some of our spectrum. It is a constant battle that continues today. What chance would we have in keeping our frequency privileges without the ARRL’s effort?  Very little in my opinion.

Instead of seeing these dues increases and other changes at the ARRL as a negative, let’s instead support the League even further. Last year the ARRL lost about a million dollars. This year that figure is expected to more than double. Dues increases alone will not make up for all of that. 

If you can afford it, I challenge you to do one or more of the following:

1. Upgrade to one of the Diamond Club memberships. The additional financial support will help close the gap and get the League into better financial health.

2. Donate to one of the ARRL funds, such as Spectrum Defense, Education & Technology, W1AW Endowment, or the General fund.

3. If you are a Life Member, consider making a monthly or annual donation.

4. If you are not already an ARRL member, become one! 

Some may think the ARRL has not been a good steward of our membership money. While any business can benefit from frequent analysis of expenditures and tightening of the belt at times, I do not believe the ARRL is wasting our money. As Maine section manager, I have met and continue to meet many League officials in person and on-line and they are doing their best in a difficult inflationary time. 

Today I made a donation to the ARRL general fund. In November when my membership is due to renew, I will upgrade to the Diamond Club. I will adapt and get used to reading QST on my iPad. I appreciate all that the League continues to do, and I am thankful for all the friendships I have made because of the ARRL and affiliated clubs. Please, if you can afford to do so, accept my challenge. Turn a negative into a positive!


Phil Duggan N1EP

Maine ARRL Section Manager


April 13, 2023

Revised NH ARRL website needs your pics!

One of the goals of the New Hampshire ARRL Field Organization is to
promote Amateur Radio. This includes sharing the accomplishments,
capabilities and interests of both New Hampshire individuals and clubs
to those outside of Amateur Radio.

We are in the process of revising the New Hampshire Section website
( and we need your help.

There is nothing better to spark interest in our hobby then through
photos of Hams in action. With this goal in mind, I am calling on
individuals and clubs to submit digital photos for possible use as page
backgrounds or to be highlighted in our photo gallery.  We have created
a way to easily upload your photos. Go to this link...

The photos must be appropriate for publication and should "tell a story
at first glance". We are especially interested in action photos, but all
pictures of Ham Radio activities are welcome for consideration. We will
give credit to the photographer or the person/club who submitted the
picture. Please only submit pictures that you took, or that you have
permission from the photographer to submit.

Have an original story to tell along with your photo? You should direct
it to Al Shuman at


February 2, 2023

Hello NH ARRL Members, Perhaps by now you have heard of the NH Chronicle piece "Rescue by Ham Radio" that aired January 31st on WMUR's NH Chronicle. If you would like to see the program in its entirety, click on one of these two links; NH Chronicle has given us permission to share the links and post them on our Amateur Radio Club websites. Over the years, NH Chronicle has produced many programs on Amateur Radio. One, “Field Day”, followed the activities of the Contoocook Valley Radio Club during the 2011 June event. From that video, Jennifer Crompton of WMUR TV Channel 9 and her videographer Chris Sheperd were the recipients of the Bill Leonard National Media award from the American Radio Relay League for 2011 and can be viewed at; The relevance of Amateur Radio in today’s communication infrastructure is clearly seen in these professionally produced programs for TV. The privilege of using your well-earned FCC license for emergency communications is the reason why we have Amateur Radio. Part 97.1(a) states the Basis and Purpose for the Amateur Radio Service; “Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.” If you are new to Amateur Radio, I encourage you to consider joining your local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) group. A geographical listing of groups can be found at or email the NH Section Emergency Coordinator, Al Shuman, K1AKS - for more information. 73, Pete, W1FEA -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL New Hampshire Section Section Manager: Peter J Stohrer, W1FEA --------------------------------------------------------------------


NH Section 2022 in review

The NH Section saw in 2022 a return to normalcy from COVID related precautions that occupied our minds during the previous couple of years. Most NH Clubs resumed regular schedules, and all were eager to get back to enjoying the camaraderie at in person meetings and hamfests. The Contoocook Valley Radio Club saw very good attendance at their March hamfest in Henniker, Port City kept things rolling with the annual seacoast hamfest in April. The buds in May accompanied hams as they gathered at the Deerfield Fair Grounds under very nice weather conditions for the spring version of "Nearfest". Although the October "Fest" was a bit wet the first day, skies brightened on Saturday boosting the attendance. The Lakes Region Repeater Association enjoyed a modest attendance at the August gathering in Ossipee.

  Nearly all of NH Amateur Radio Clubs participated in Field Day. Section was able to visit the FD sites in the southern part  of the state. The STM, K1UAF, made stops at FD sites in central and southern NH. Governor Sununu made a proclamation that June was Amateur Radio month in NH.  

In September, several from the NH Section participated as presenters at the Marlborough ARRL Division convention. Topics were geared toward ARES and message handling. Each seminar had standing room only. In November, NH conducted its Simulated Emergency Test. The objective this year was to check the effectiveness of communications using high point relays around the state for served agencies. The test was a success as nearly all high point stations could communicate directly without relays; those unable to pass messages directly were able to do so using a single relay point. W1FEA acted as NCS for the NHOEM on Wood Hill in Bow, NH.  

The NH Section was saddened by the untimely passing of Wayne Santos, N1CKM who served as NH SEC for more than a decade. Wayne's leadership was instrumental in providing continuity to the NH ARES program. Former Section Manager, Al Shuman, K1AKS, stepped up to keep the momentum going for the ARES program. Al has had the opportunity to visit with many ARES groups in the short time he has served.   

2023 looks to be an exciting year within the NH Amateur Radio Community. NTS is currently being revitalized and many new amateurs are considering traffic handling and ARES involvement as a way to use their license to serve the public in times of need.


Pete, W1FEA


December 2022


“When all else fails, Amateur Radio” proved to be more than just the ARRL tagline on Sunday December 11, 2022.

An elderly New Hampshire man went out for a day hike with his dog yesterday in the Belmont area of central New Hampshire.  Things went well, until his cellphone battery died.  With the oncoming snow and darkness a leisurely day hike was quickly turning into a serious health and safety issue for the hiker.

Fortunately for him he is also an amateur radio operator and had his DMR HT with him.  With no cell phone capability he made a call on a DMR NH statewide channel through the Gunstock DMR repeater seeking assistance.  His call was answered by Bill Barber, NE1B who was monitoring the channel.   The hiker asked Bill to call his wife as he could not text or get pinged with his dead cell phone.  Bill contacted the hiker/ham’s wife and she was glad to hear that someone was in contact with him. Unfortunately, he did not know exactly where he was and believed he would have to walk through brush for an hour or more to get to a road.

His wife called in the local PD who began a search along with their FD.  Ham radio was the only communication from about 4:30 to 6:30 PM.   Bill called up Rick Zach, K1RJZ, who lives closer to the search area and he was familiar with the area snow mobile trails and roads.  Rick coordinated communication between the responding police units and the lost ham on the NH Statewide talk group.

The police and fire units attempted to assist in the search by activating their sirens in different locations to try to obtain a location on the ham, however, he was not able to hear them.

Another ham Chuck Cunningham, K1MIZ, was monitoring the events on net watch and noticed that the lost ham had accidentally changed channels.  This information was passed along and 2 meter DMR communication continued until the lost ham walked out to a road and could advise where he was.  The search and checkout ended successfully at 6:30 PM.

Thanks to the efforts of Bill, NE1B, Rich, K1RJZ and Chuck, K1MIZ the wayward ham is going to be able to enjoy another Christmas holiday with his family.

Bill listed some very important lessons learned from the incident -

Radio batteries last longer on DMR radios than on analog mode.
Even his wife had trouble on her cell phone coverage at home
Monitor your local State DMR channel for helping others nearby
You may want to program 146.52 FM next to your State channel for signal strength DFing if and when out of repeater range.  Some hams still monitor 52!
But stay on the primary channel until you know more hams are nearby to DF
Hike with DMR.  Our network sites cover many areas of New England that do not have any cell service
Hike with a flashlight

And I would like to add one more item to the list.  My son is one of the leaders of Pemi Search & Rescue and unfortunately responds to too many calls for lost hikers.  One very important item that he stresses is that hikers file a “flight plan”.  Let someone who is not going on the hike know where you are going, how long you expect to be gone and what communication equipment or capability you have with you.  This also applies if you are going out hunting, fishing or boating.

Raul "Skip" Camejo - AC1LC
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL New Hampshire Section
PO Box 206
Ashland, NH 03217



A free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Oct 27 and will run through Thursday, January 5.  There will be 9 sessions, with two breaks for holidays.  The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time.  Sessions will be recorded. These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum.  Please publicize this with anyone that you think would be interested.  Those wishing to sign up should email



Get On the Air!
Amateur Radio License Prep Class
4 sessions : 9am-noon
Saturdays Oct.22, Nov.5,  12 & 19
at CT River
 Sportsmen's Club
125 Whitcomb Rd, Swanzey NH 03446-2215

No fee, but purchase your manual
To register: call or text 573-826-0005
Or: email –
Sponsored by Cheshire County DX Amateur Radio Club


October 2022

Classes on Amateur Radio Basics

The Capital Area Repeater Society (CARS), will begin a series of classes geared toward newly licensed hams or those looking to get licensed. The first of these classes is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Pembroke Safety Center, 247 Pembroke St in Pembroke, NH. The next class topic will be “Radio Net Procedures and proper Ham etiquette"  Topics for upcoming classes will include, how to choose your first radio, propagation, digital operations, basic radio math, antenna fundamentals. If you are interested in attending these classes or would like to assist in presenting, please contact Pete,

Calling NH Radio Amateurs April 2022 

Flea Market season gets into full swing in the Granite State with mutliple radio swapping events planned. The Port City Club is holding their annual event on April 9th for more info

Traveling up Route 16 later in the month to Ossippe you'll find the bargin tables of the Lakes Region Repeater Association ready to receive eager buyers..details at

Mr. Mike and the Nearfest crew rounds out the month April 29 and 30th at the Deerfield Fair grounds. Tickets are available at Section is pleased to be sharing the ARRL table at Nearfest with our new New England ARRL Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. Stop by the table and say hi...I'll have some giveaways on hand if you do.

A few changes in the NH Section ARRL lineup to make mention...Al Shuman, K1AKS is now acting NH SEC and Dave Colter, WA1ZCN will be taking the reigns as EC of West Central. Thanks to Carey Heckman, W1EAR for his many years of sevice as EC in the Upper Valley. We  also welcome Annette Conticchio, KA1RFI as a new Technical Specialist and will be overssing the new NH RFI field team. 

See you at the Fests...




  Calling NH Radio Amateurs March 2022

With Covid in the rear view mirror for now clubs have begun meeting again face to face. Thanks to all at the Central NH Club for their invitation for the March 1st meeting. In addition to discussion of HB1644 and League happeneings, a presentation on the 90th anniversary of WFEA was given.

The March 9th snowstorm postponed the CCDX meeting and Section presentation and has been rescheduled for April 13th. Thanks to the Contoocook club for providing early spring amateur radio swap activities at the Henniker Flea market Sunday March 20th. Go to for more info.

More activity coming up in April with the Port City flea market on April 9th. Check out the Club's web site for more info and of course Nearfest at the Deerfield fairgrounds returns for the spring version April 29 and 30. 

We were very saddened to hear of Wayne Santos, N1CKM, passing at the end of February. Wayne's dynamic leadership helped guide the NH ARES program for many years. Wayne will be greatly missed and our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Elizabeth.

Section has announced that Al Shuman, K1AKS, will be taking the NH ARES helm. Al is a former 9 times Section Manager and several stints as SEC. Having Al available and willing to step into the role of SEC will provide the continuity needed at this time. Please welcome him as he works to develop the ARES program in NH post Covid.

Congratulations to NH's newest Amateur Radio operators...KC1QMQ, KC1QKO, KC1QJK, KC1QMM, KC1QMO, KC1QMF, KC1QMN, KC1QMJ, KC1QMI, KC1QKP, KC1QLD and KC1QLP

That's it for now...hope to see you soon at the club meetings and flea markets!


Pete, K1PJS



 Calling NH Radio Amateurs September 2021

​ At the time of this writing, Gulf Hurricane Ida has come ashore leaving 1 million people without power in Louisiana and Mississippi. New Orleans was especially hard hit due to the with 100 MPH plus winds. As many remember 16 years earlier on the same date, Hurricane Katrina took the same path.
 As then and now, Amateur Radio rose to the occasion by opening emergency communication circuits with the Amateur Radio Hurricane Watch net (  providing health and welfare messages for points outside the affected area along with important weather sitreps for the NWS. In addition, local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) groups and operators have responded with lifesaving emergency communications. From the early days of radio , government authorities have understood the value of Amateur Radio in times of emergency. This is first mentioned in Part 97.1 (a) of the FCC rules;

  1. Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

All Amateur Radio operators are encouraged to use their station and license to serve their communities in times of emergency. This is best accomplished by joining your local ARES group.  A list of NH ARES groups can be found on this home web page ( Each group is led by an Emergency Coordinator and typically meet once a month in person and more often on their local repeater or simplex frequency. A great wealth of information on the NH ARES program can be found at the NH ARES webpage
 If you have questions about the program or how you can join a local ARES group feel free to drop me an email

Calling NH Radio Amateurs August 2021

August brings the warmest temperatures of the summer and as things heat up on the thermometer the campaigns for ARRL New England Director are doing likewise. Fred Hopegarten, K1VR and current Director, will face two challengers during this election cycle. Tom Frenaye, K1KI who lost out to K1VR last time, has submitted his name for another opportunity to represent New England ARRL members at the table. Newcomer Nashua Amateur Radio Society (NARS) President Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC is looking to unseat Hopegarten and bring new ideas to the ARRL Bod. Ballots for the Director election will be mailed out to League members beginning in October and the closing date for all ballots to be received at HQ is November 19th. Last time, a third of New England League members voted (32%) in the Director election and hopefully that number will only increase  this time around.

At the time of this writing, about half of the Amateur Radio clubs in NH have begun or ready to hold face to face meetings again and most are still using Zoom. If you are a ARRL Affiliated Club, this is a good time to get your Affiliation updates checked and uploaded to HQ. This is an annual submission even if no changes have been made to the club.  If you have any questions on affiliation drop a note to the NH ACC Al Shuman, K1AKS.

Several Hamfests are ready to resume normal operations. At the end of the month on August 28th, the Lakes Region Repeater Association will be sponsoring the W1BST Hamfest at Constitution Park in Ossipee, NH. To find out more check the LRRA web site, for details. Looking into September the Northeast HamXposition, a ARRL convention, gets underway in Marlborough, Ma. September 10-12. In addition to the flea market, many forums, license exam sessions will be conducted topped off with a Grand Banquet on the 12th. More information about all the programs and tickets can be found at And it is not too soon to mention Nearest XXX at the Deerfield, NH Fairgrounds, which is planned for October 15 and 16th – for a preview go to

The new League CEO David Minster, NA2AA, is promising a revitalization of many departments at HQ not the least, Emergency Communications and NTS. Many recent QST articles seem to indicate this by focusing on Emergency Communications.  Traffic Handling and Emergency Communications have always been the backbone of the ARRL. New Hampshire has a robust Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program led by SEC Wayne Santos, N1CKM and if you are new to Amateur Radio, we need your participation. Look for the ARES group nearest you to become involved. Drop me an email and I’ll get you in contact with the Emergency Coordinator in your county.

Have a great summer and 73.

Pete, K1PJS

NH ARRL Section Manager 


Calling all NH amateur radio operators! July 2021

Temperatures begin to sizzle as the calendar turns July and many are heading toward summer retreats and cooler beaches. Every other year July marks the start of a new term for Section Managers in many ARRL sections. I am pleased again to represent League members in this capacity in the Granite State and want to thank outgoing Section Manager John Gotthardt, K1UAF for the work done during the previous term. The last year and a half have been trying times for many - with lock downs, mask mandates, et al... but with much of this in the rear-view mirror and COVID on the decline hams are more than ready to get back to normal. A preview of this was seen during 2021 Field Day. Although propagation was on par with the low sunspot numbers, having the pleasure of face-to-face fellowship and exercising the amateur’s ability to provide 2 way communications in an emergency (simulated) were just two of the many highlights of FD 2021. If you have pictures from your Field Day activity please send them to me for posting on the NH ARRL web site –

 I look forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new ones this year during visits with the various clubs across the Section. We have an experienced Field Services team ready to serve the interests of amateurs across the state and if I can be of help please email me…


 Pete, K1PJS

 NH Section manager



Hello NH Radio Amateurs

The Amateur Radio we know today owes its existence primarily to the  lobbying efforts by the ARRL in the early part of the 20th century. After the creation of the Amateur Radio Service by the Federal Radio Commission (predecessor to the FCC), the US government quickly realized how valuable a resource Amateur Radio is to the public, especially during emergencies.  In the Northeast in 1936, nearly 200 people lost their lives during February floods that inundated most towns where major rivers flowed and without the services of the Amateur Radio operator, according to League historian Clinton DeSoto, fatalities would have been much greater.

As was the case in 1936 and since then, Amateurs have been engaged in relaying messages and providing communication when conventional means fail during times of emergencies. It is important to realize this resource is a major reason our government continues to acknowledge and recognize the need for the Amateur Radio Service. As it did in the early part of the 20th century, the League today continues to advocate for the Amateur Radio Service and our continued use of the RF spectrum.

 If you are new to Amateur Radio (or even a seasoned operator), and looking for a new challenge, why not join the over 200 NH Amateurs currently using their radio skills with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service also known as ARES. ARES operators are “Radio Minutemen” who make their stations available for public service events and during times of emergencies. Typically, ARES groups meet together once a month and most have weekly on air meetings to discuss various aspects of emergency communications and message handling. These activities help hone their skills for the time when they may be called to serve during an emergency.

 NH has 12 ARES groups, roughly divided up by county. Each group is led by an Emergency Coordinator (EC). Each EC may have an Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) whose focus may be on specified tasks within the group. An Amateur Radio license and willingness to participate are the usual prerequisites to join. A listing of the ARES group nearest you can be found at the NH ARES web site

 Now is a great time to become actively involved. NH ARES needs you! Go to and click on the NH ARES needs you link, fill out the application and the EC in your area will contact you. If you have questions feel free to contact the Section Manager, email is or you can contact the Section Emergency Coordinator, Wayne Santos, N1CKM. His email is


 Peter Stohrer, K1PJS

 NH Section Manager

Hams are giving people, you will find them providing communication resources to help in emergencies or support for public service events. Sometimes, you will find them conducting Amateur Radio classes and some even become Volunteer Examiners administering the tests as part of a VE team.

Without a doubt, it is fulfilling to help another toward the goal of passing an Amateur Radio exam and receiving a license. Each of us have been there; thankful for those that took the time to assist us.

 We know prior to taking the exam, the potential licensee will need to study and review the necessary material for the license sought after and having a class to attend with other like minded students for instruction is certainly well worth the time and investment not only for the student, but provides the instructor(s) opportunities to share his or her Amateur Radio knowledge and experience.  The FCC issues 3 classes of licenses today; the Technician, General and Extra which are administered by a 3 person Volunteer Examiner (VE) team.

The winterl is a wonderful time for Amateur Radio clubs to prepare a class.  Cooler months often re-focus activities to the inside, which provide an ideal time to conduct Amateur Radio License sessions.

License classes are conducted numerous ways; from the single all day session to multi-class sessions, usually given over many weeks.  Clubs know their demographics best and often tailor a class to meet the needs of their particular area.

If you are wondering how to structure a typical Technician Class, consider a period of 6 Saturday mornings (or day and time of the club’s choice). This provides a good way for the instructor(s) to cover two easily digested chapters per session.   The ARRL study manual has 10 chapters covering the introduction to Amateur Radio, Basic Electronics, Antennas, Propagation, Amateur Radio equipment, Licensing and Operating regulations ending with a chapter on Safety. The final class would be a VE session conducted a by the local VE team.

 Recently, the FCC Technician question exam pool was updated and using the new ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, Third edition, June 30th 2014 – July 1, 2018 is now in effect. The main advantage of the multi-session class is to allow students time to absorb the material presented from each session and to bring questions for the instructor during the next. Recruiting several in the local club to share in the teaching responsibilities takes advantage of different gifts and experiences from each instructor and makes individual chapter preparation quite manageable.

Registering with the League as an instructor can provide substantial discounts on license manuals and other related instructional material with the Instructor Discount Program. Further info on the program can be found at

The League also provides a way to promote your Amateur Radio License Class on the website. Once details are determined, go to URL to list your class. Send the information also to to have it added to the Section web site and the NH Section Facebook page.

Finally, If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner, information can be found at the League web site

or drop me an email 

vy 73,

Pete K1PJS



A North Country Rhapsody 

by Robert R. Martin (KB1IZU), EC

As a wit once observed, “ya gotta have an exaggerated sense of humor to live in the North Country.” And it's true.  Life up here is like living in a suburb of Heaven, but you have to pay your dues for the privilege.  Life is not easy, but for those who like the ambiance, they would not give it up for the world.  Residents tolerate exaggerated amounts of snow, spring mud and the infamous May/June black flies for the natural beauty of the surroundings and relaxed lifestyles this part of the State offers.

Coös county is everyone's recreational area, to the degree that the resident population of 44,000 can swell two or threefold with transients during any particular season, be it: winter for snowmobiling / skiing, summer for ATVing, and/or Fall hunting/fishing.  And, of course, hiking, camping and complaining about politics and taxes goes on year-round.  Northern NH is a favorite retirement area for many, and the county boasts a surprising large percentage, per capita, of licensed amateur radio operators, as a result.

For the radio operator in our region it, offers outstanding opportunities or interesting challenges. Those fortunate enough to live on the hilltops and ridge-lines, its possible to put up effectively an eight hundred to thousand plus foot high antenna by stringing a wire in the trees in the open spaces out back.  For those living in the valleys, NVIS is a practical necessity, not an abstract concept. In either case, low ambient noise is the rule not the exception, unlike most major urban areas where competing uses of electronic devices produces a garbling background clatter that is hard to overcome.  And far reaching repeaters on mountain tops .. . now that is another story entirely . . .

The same terrain that makes Coös a great place to recreate also makes is wonderful location for public and service events, at which amateur radio gets a chance to participate and provide useful safety assistance.  Among these events, to name just a few, are the New England Forest Rally, Bike Race Around Mt. Washington, Wildman Biathlon up to Wildcat Mountain, Mt. Washington Auto Race, et al.  Cell phone covers is still far from universal so that local ARES repeaters throughout Coös are able to provide a link in the safety net for people out on the trails summer and winter.

Amateur radio operators in the North Country have formed an interconnected fraternity of people with common interests, who are more closely knit then in many other places.  Coös boasts two amateur radio associations, who meet regularly for social and hobby related purposes.  The LARK (Littleton Amateur Radio Club) draws it membership from the southwest corner of North Country region and up the Connecticut River valley as far as Pittsburg.  In a similar fashion, the Androscoggin River Valley Radio Club, based in Berlin, is the home to amateurs, who live and work on the east side of Coös from Errol down to Mt Washington.  The membership rosters of these two associations encompasses the majority of the active amateur radio operators in the North Country.  In addition, the region has an active ARES group that liaises with state the State EM center and provides local support for emergency services within the local dispatch centers and health/hospital coverage zones.  Both associations run a Field Day exercise every year.  One takes place down in Franconia and the other on the Commons in Gorham.  In a similar fashion, both clubs have an active recruiting program to bring new hams into the community and support Extra Class VE teams.  Test sessions given as required typically net up to four or five new hams or license upgrades each year.

Coös county and its immediate environs in north Grafton has fifteen of the 41 tallest mountains (4000 ft and above) in all of NH.  (The rest are located in the White Mountain National Forest just south of the county.) Having so much high terrain in the county is a mixed blessing.  The high points, if one can get to them, make ideal places to put a repeater for maximum coverage.  The other side of that coin is with so many high places, Coös also has a correspondingly large number of deep valleys into which it is difficult to direct a radio signal.  To counteract this problem, the county has a significant number of strategically located 2M repeaters; although, there is little activity on 220 and 440Mhz.  These repeaters have been placed tocover most of the distances along the Connecticut and Androscoggin rivers, plus serve the three major population centers in the Littleton/Lancaster,Berlin/Gorham and Colebrook/northern areas of the county.  Additionally, two principal repeaters serve a larger geographic area each – Mt. Washington and Cannon Mt. – but both suffer from the inability to reach down into the valleys as one moves farther away from them.  For instance, from hot spots north as far up and the Canadian border and south beyond Concord one can hear the Mt. Washington repeater and yet not be able to reach it from behind a mountain even five miles away.

The proximity of local repeaters, insures, that in most places, one is not completely out of touch by radio with the rest of the community when traveling.  One problem that still is not completely resolved is being able to depend upon VHF radio across and around mountain ranges and between population centers.  The Coös ARES is embarked upon a project to remedy this situation.  Three key istanceadio location have been identified and work is ongoing to establish a repeater directly linked to a node unit on Mt. Washington in each.  The Mt.Washington unit will act as a coordinating facility between the other three locations.  When activated later this year, a person in any one area will be able to communicate locally as well as talk to someone in either of the other two areas, notwithstanding any intervening high ground.  A significant improvement over the present situation.

From the above comments one may appreciate that the North Country is an amalgam of diverse locations, unusual micro-climates, resilient residents, and great opportunities live free and enjoy an interesting lifestyle.  For those of us who live up here, it is and always will be a “work in progress.”  Come visit us and see for yourself!

One of the foundation pillars of the ARRL is traffic handling and there has been a marked increase in traffic being passed in NH during recent months. All Amateurs should be familiar with the basics of formal traffic handling as your communication services may be called for during incidents that bring the power grid and internet down for extended lengths of time. NH has several traffic nets. The Section CW net is the VTNH traffic net which meets daily at 7p on 3539 khz. On phone you can find traffic being past nightly on the Granite State Traffic Net on 146.94 in Concord and Saturday mornings on the  NH Digital Net on 3582khz at 7:30a and the NH ARES Traffic and Training net on 3945 at 8:30a. Many of the NH ARES groups routinely pass traffic during their weekly net sessions. If you are interested in a CW traffic handler and net training course, the Maryland Slow Net is always looking for new operators. Simply QNI (check in) on one of their nightly nets at beginning at7:30p. You can find the MSN on 3563khz . For further information on Traffic Handling contact the Section Traffic Manager, Bill Noyce, AB1AV


If you have news and information that can be shared with the NH Amateur radio community, please send to









New Hampshire Officials

  • Peter Stohrer

    Section Manager

    Peter J. Stohrer W1FEA

  • Raul Camejo

    Public Info Coordinator

    Raul A. Camejo AC1LC

  • John Gotthardt

    Section Traffic Manager,
    Assistant Section Manager

    John R. Gotthardt K1UAF

  • Phil Donovan

    Section Youth Coordinator

    Phil J. Donovan N1UNH

  • Robert Mitchell

    Assistant Section Manager

    Robert C. Mitchell W1NH

  • Alan Shuman

    Section Emergency Coordinator,
    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    Alan K. Shuman K1AKS

  • Dennis Markell

    Assistant Section Manager

    Dennis M. Markell N1IMW

  • James Geschwindner

    Assistant Section Manager

    James R. Geschwindner N1PZP


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