ARRL's online courses are offered in a variety of formats. Some courses are offered within a session that has a specific start and end date. Other courses are offered on-demand and students can begin at any time. For more information on ARRL courses visit our online course catalog and our online course registration page.
How do I register for a course?+
Students can register for ARRL courses through the online course registration page.
After I register for a course when can I begin?+
Students will receive login instructions by email during the week before the start of the session. For on-demand courses students can access the course at any time through the student course history page.
How do I login or retrieve my password?+
Login: ARRL Learning Center
Username: Use the same username as your ARRL Login
Password: Use the same password as your ARRL Login
How are the courses structured?+
Courses are typically presented through a structured sequence of topics called modules. Each module may contain readings, links to relevant resources, quizzes, or review questions. Mentored courses typically require students to submit responses to activities as part of the course requirements.
Each course concludes with a final assessment, which students must pass to earn their certificate of completion.
Students can login to their courses at any time 24/7, and can work at their own pace. Mentored courses must be completed by the end of the session - dates can be found on the online course registration page.
What is the role of the online course mentor?+
For mentored courses, each student is assigned to a volunteer mentor. Mentors are very dedicated hams that have taken the course they mentor and have relevant experience in the course content. They review and comment on the student activity submissions, and also keep track of their students' progress. Mentors are an important part of the course and available to help their students when needed.
I haven’t heard from my mentor, what do I do?+
Mentors are expected to get in contact with students within a few days after the course session begins. If you have not heard from your mentor you are encouraged to contact your mentor directly. If you still do not receive a resonse, please notify us at CEP@arrl.org so we can follow up and determine what the problem is. If at any time during your course session you lose communication with your mentor or have an issue that needs to be resolved, please contact us with a description of the problem so we can find a timely solution. Don't wait until the end of the course session to bring communication problems to our attention!
What are the requirements to pass a course?+
To receive a certificate of completion, students are required to complete all course activities achieve a pssing score on the final assessment. Each course contains instructions for requesting access to the certificate, and after the request is processed then the certificate can be viewed and downloaded from the student course history page.
I registered for a course and have not heard anything, what should I do?+
For mentored courses that are offered within a session, you will receive access instructions during the week before the session begins. Please make sure to check your email system's spam or junk folder.
For on-demand courses, you can begin at any time by visiting your student course history page and clicking on Enter Course on the right.
All course information is sent to the email address in your member profile at ARRL. Please verify that your email is correct by clicking on "Edit Your Profile" at the top of this page, or click here.
How do I withdraw from an online course?+
Please visit our online course registration page and use the online course withdrawal form to submit your request.
Amateur Radio Emergency Communication Course.
This course will help you become a better emergency communicator. You will learn to work effectively with the public and with volunteer agencies during a communications emergency. One of the basic tenets of Amateur Radio is to provide a pool of experienced communicators during emergencies. All Amateur Radio operators are encouraged to receive training in emergency communication, and this course is suitable for newly licensed operators. However, those who have been actively operating Amateur Radio for perhaps a year or more will find much of the terminology and many of the practices more familiar and easier to assimilate. This should not discourage the newly licensed individual, but should merely inform you of what to expect.
For more information about ARRL Emergency Communication training click here.
For information about ARRL authorized emergency communications field classes and exam opportunities click here.
How do I sign up for the advanced emergency communications course for managers?+
The Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs Course (EC-016) is also offered entirely online in an on-demand format. For more details refer to the online course catalog.
How do I get another copy of my course completion certificate?+
Each course contains instructions for requesting access to the certificate, and after the request is processed then the certificate can be viewed and downloaded from the student course history page.
Each course contains instructions for requesting access to the certificate, and after the request is processed then the certificate can be viewed and downloaded from the student course history page.
What kind of computer/browser configuration do I need?+
The EC-001 course uses a modern learning platform called Canvas, which means you should be able to view the course using most computers and mobile devices. However it is highly recommended you have your computer up-to-date and make sure it meets the following requirements to ensure a problem-free learning experience.
- What are the basic computer specifications for Canvas - click here
- Which browsers does Canvas support - click here
I am having trouble with EC-001 or EC-016. How can I get help?+
Licensing, Education & Training >> Courses & Training >> Online Courses >> Online Course FAQs