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YOTA Region 1 Taking Cautious Approach to COVID-19 and YOTA Camps


The IARU Region 1 (IARU-R1) Youth Working Group has said no youth events will take place before mid-June, and that it will review those scheduled for later in the year as the pandemic situation evolves. The group said these events make social distancing difficult, and it doesn’t believe it would be possible for them to take place safely. Other 2021 events will remain on the calendar for the time being.

“The position on the [COVID-19] pandemic remains serious and unpredictable,” the group said. “Governments everywhere struggle with balancing the health of their economies with the health of their populations. The vaccine rollout seems likely to take most of this year and even then, the impact of mutant strains of the virus and national quarantine requirements are difficult to predict.”

IARU Region 1 has planned several in-person events for 2021 in the Youth, Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF), and high-speed telegraphy competition (HST) areas. A workshop for member-societies is also on the calendar. Whether these will take place as scheduled remains up in the air.

IARU-R1 has said it will review the forecast evolution of the pandemic sufficiently before each event to decide whether it will take place. “Generally, this will be 4 months prior to the scheduled date,” IARU-R1 said. “[That way], those planning to attend should have sufficient time to make the necessary travel arrangements.”

IARU Region 1 said it wants to make sure that any events taking place do so in an environment that respects national requirements for pandemic control and does not place the health and well-being of participants at risk.



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