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RST-Suffix Special Event is Back


Members of the North Country DX Association (NCDXA) are on the air for the entire month of March from locations in Alaska, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Greenland using RST-suffix fixed-station call signs. Expected to be active are KL7RST, VY1RST, VE8RST, VY0RST, and OX7RST. The goal is to promote Amateur Radio in northern North America.

The 2017 event, the second annual RST operation, features the addition of OX7RST, as well as more rovers and fixed stations, new QSL cards, and certificates. Plans call for operation from a Canadian research station near the North Pole on Ellesmere Island, a diamond mine in Northwest Territories, an Alaskan bush school, and many other locations. Activity will be on all modes, 160 through 6 meters, including 30, 17, and 12 meters. SWLs may participate too.

The object is to work or log as many NCDXA RST stations as possible from their various locations. NCDXA RST stations will send a signal report and location. Receiving stations should send signal report and state, province, or DXCC entity.

Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World (LoTW). More information is available on the K7ICE profile page. NCDXA is also on Facebook.



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