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Perfect Storm Exercise in California Gets Results


The ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section (SJV) conducted “Perfect Storm,” an amateur radio emergency exercise, on March 5 - 7.

Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) Dan Sohn, WL7COO, asked that a section-wide exercise be created that would engage both amateur radio operators and non-amateurs to become more active in their community's emergency preparedness and response capabilities.  

There were 120 participants from 9 counties within the SJV Section, including Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne, and two counties outside the section, Los Angeles and San Diego.  

Both amateurs and participants equipped with General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios gathered local situational awareness data. The exercise culminated with a two-hour period during which local groups forwarded their data to a mock Incident Command Post. At the same time, leaders of the groups were asked to participate in a live "hot wash" on Zoom, where the results were reviewed, and errors could be corrected in real time.  

SJV Section Manager Steven Hendricks, KK6JTB, said the Perfect Storm exceeded expectations and SEC Sohn reported the exercise was a resounding success.  

“We wanted to engage many different organizations and especially young hams,” said Hendricks. “It’s important to tap into their excitement and engage them so when a disaster does strike, they can become a vital part of team.” 

The SVJ Section is now planning to have two exercises every year.  

For more information about the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section, visit their Facebook page San Joaquin Valley Section - ARRL | Facebook.



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