Mellish Reef DXpedition Team Has Set Sail
The Mellish Reef VK9MA DXpedition team has said it plans to concentrate on the lower bands during its November DXpedition. Mellish is the 29th most-wanted DXCC entity. Team member and ARRL Contest Update Editor Brian Moran, N9ADG, said the boat was loaded and set to depart Port Douglas, Australia, today (October 31).
“We are trying to get in front of some weather,” Moran told The Daily DX Editor Bernie McClenny, W3UR. Moran said the DXpedition’s operating plans on its website are “always subject to revision by conditions and pilot guidance.” He urged those attempting to work VK9MA to listen first to get a feel for how the pileup is working.
The team will always be running split; never call on the VK9MA transmit frequency.
Data modes, and especially RTTY, will be one focus of the VK9MA DXpedition, and the team may give JT65/JT9 and the newly popular, but still beta, FT8 a try. During the 13-day stay, VK9MA will run four complete stations around the clock. — Thanks to The Daily DX