Former CQ Amateur Radio Magazine Awards Editor Eddie De Young, KS4AA, SK
Weeks after stepping down due to health issues, CQ Amateur Radio Magazine Awards Editor Eddie De Young, KS4AA (ex-VK4AN, KH6GLU, AE7AA), of Clearwater, Florida, died on February 25, after a period of ill health. He was an ARRL member. De Young had held the position for less than a year, according to CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU.
A ham since 1954, De Young migrated to Australia in 1974, earning Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) DXCC Honor Roll, 7-Band DXCC Award of Excellence, and DXer of the Year. He served as WIA Awards Manager and was an incoming QSL bureau manager in VK4. He returned to the US in 2012. De Young took part in several DXpeditions over the years. Succeeding De Young at CQ will be Jim Houser, WA8JIM, of Bartlett, Illinois.