Dayton Hamvention Announces New Chair and Assistant Chair for 2021 Show
The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) has appointed Rick Allnutt, WS8G, as the General Chair for Dayton Hamvention® 2021, heading a team of some 750 volunteers. An ARRL Life Member and a ham since 1982, Allnutt, who served as Assistant General Chair with outgoing General Chair Jack Gerbs, WB8SCT, has been a Hamvention volunteer for the past decade.
“Hamvention is very important in my experience of amateur radio,” Allnutt said on his profile. “I am honored to serve as the General Chair of the Dayton Hamvention.”
Tapped as Assistant General Chair is Jim Storms, AB8YK, a past president, vice president, and secretary of the SouthWest Ohio DX Association. He has been DARA’s vice president and Hamvention advance registration chair for 3 years and is cofounder, director, and trip team leader of the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure.
The DARA Board expressed its gratitude to Gerbs for his service to Hamvention and DARA. The appointments are effective on July 1. Hamvention 2021 will take place May 21 – 23.