ARRL Inviting Orders for Very Limited Supply of ARRL International DX Contest Pins
A very limited supply of 2017 ARRL International DX Contest pins is available from the ARRL Contest Branch. To qualify for the International DX Contest pin, you must have completed 100 contacts in either the CW or ’phone contest weekends — the pin is the same for either mode (contacts with the same station on different bands count toward the total). E-mail the Contest Branch to confirm pin availability. The cost is $7 (US) in the US, its possessions, and Canada, and $10 everywhere else (postage included).
If availability is confirmed, send a copy of the first page of your Cabrillo log file with payment to DX Contest Pins, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111. Allow 4 weeks for delivery after your order is received.