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ARRL Ham Radio Open House Continues to Grow


Dozens of amateur radio clubs have made plans to host an ARRL Ham Radio Open House in April. The nationwide event is centered around World Amateur Radio Day on April 18. 2025 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

While we’ve been using radio for well over 100 years, amateur radio operators continue to be on the cutting edge of innovation in electrical engineering. Modern weak signal modes, digital modulation schemes, and software defined radios show that ham radio is a vibrant and modern hobby. For many students, it also provides a pathway toward being the technology innovators of the future.

ARRL Ham Radio Open House is a time to show our communities how modern and innovative amateur radio is, and to welcome them to be a part of it. ARRL, HamSCI, and SciStarter are encouraging clubs to have visitors to their sites participate in hands-on activities that can count toward the nationwide goal of documenting 1 million acts of science in April – which is Citizen Science Month.

The ARRL Public Relations Committee held a live webinar on March 19 to help clubs form and promote their ARRL Ham Radio Open House. A recording of the event can be seen on the ARRLHQ YouTube channel.

The publicity kit is also available at this link. Find an open house (or list yours) at Learn more at



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