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2024 Pacificon Inspires Next Generation of Radio Amateurs


Contributed by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R – ARRL Director of Marketing and Innovation

The Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club held its successful convention, Pacificon 2024, in San Ramon, California, October 18 - 20. The convention drew radio amateurs from throughout the populous Bay Area of California and beyond, and annually hosts the ARRL Pacific Division Convention.

The organizing committee works all year on pulling together an impressive program. This year included an exceptional lineup of forums, seminars, hands-on activities, and exhibits. But the standout this year was the tremendous effort to include and engage young hams and prospective hams.

Pacificon coincided with the largest scouting event in the world, Jamboree-on-the-Air-Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTA-JOTI). As radio amateurs and radio clubs around the world got scouts on the air to promote friendship and global citizenship, Pacificon partnered with the Boy Scouts of America Golden Gate Area Council to get dozens of scouts to attend the convention. The scouts were led by their troop leaders in small groups to meet with ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, and his wife Cyndi Goodgame, K5CYN, for a short introduction to radio and wireless technology, ham radio, and ARRL. The scouts also got on the air using the most recognized call sign in the world, W1AW. Special Event Station W1AW/6 was sponsored by the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association (PAARA).

Many young hams also attended, including those accompanying parents and grandparents. Among them was ARRL East Bay Section Youth Coordinator Alexia Snethen, KM6LGG, a 17-year-old from Alameda County, and San Joaquin Valley Youth Coordinator Shane Lewis, K5SML. Both Youth Coordinators are General class licensees and are involved in a variety of activities throughout their sections to attract and engage more young hams. For instance, Snethen runs a youth net on a local repeater, and helps students in her section connect with each other, even online, to discuss ham radio.

Another activity, attracting participation from all ages, included the Parachute Mobile team. Pacificon attendees enjoyed making short contacts with the jumpers who included Mark Meltzer, AF6IM; Rob Fenn, KC6TYD, and Dmitrii Kalugin-Balashov, KN6MMW. Their moto is “In the air. On the air.”

ARRL member Brian Zoraster, KA6ZED, of Livermore, California, helped organize a fox hunt (or transmitter hunt, or t-hunt) for Pacificon. Setup under a tent outside, participants were quickly briefed by Zoraster on techniques to use handheld radios, S-meters, and directional antennas to find the transmitters he hid on the San Ramon Marriott hotel property. A short video is available on the ARRL Facebook page.

ARRL National Instructor Gordon West, WB6NOA, was on-hand to greet attendees and to congratulate new licensees and those who have recently earned upgrades. West led an Instructors Academy during the convention, sharing ideas for instructional demonstrations and highlighting ARRL resources for teaching amateur radio classes.

Pacificon also organized two vendor halls filled with manufacturers and resellers, and welcomed many radio clubs and organizations to connect with attendees. For ARRL’s part, representatives included First Vice President Kristen McIntyre, K6WX; Second Vice President Mike Ritz, W7VO; International Affairs Vice President Rod Stafford, W6ROD; Pacific Division Director Anthony Marcin, W7XM, and Vice Director John Litz, NZ6Q. The all-volunteer ARRL Field Organization also made a strong showing, supported by ARRL Section Managers representing East Bay, Mike Patterson, N6JGA; Nevada, John Bigley, N7UR; Pacific, Alan Maenchen, AD6E; Sacramento Valley, Dr. Carol Milazzo, KP4MD; San Joaquin Valley Steven Hendricks, KK6JTB; and Santa Clara Valley, James Armstrong, NV6W. ARRL staff included Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA; Director of Marketing and Innovation Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R; Director of Development Kevin Beal, K8EAL, and CEO David Minster, NA2AA.

photo album on the ARRL Facebook page captures more of the convention highlights. 

Pacificon returns next year, Friday, October 10, to Sunday, October 12, 2025.



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