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“Tyro” License Proposal Now Open for Public Comment


The same day that the FCC put ARRL’s Technician Enhancement petition on public notice, it also invited comments on another proposal, designated RM-11829, asking the FCC to create a “Tyro” license class that would require a minimal online examination as well as mentoring by an Amateur Radio licensee of Technician class or higher. A “tyro” is a novice or a beginner. The petition was filed in August of 2017 by Gary A. Hampton, AD0WU, of Longmont, Colorado.

Tyro licensees would earn operating privileges 99 channels in a 70-centimeter “TyroSubBand.” Applicants would have to be at least 11 years old. Hampton said in his petition that one goal would be “reliable, nationwide 70-centimeter interoperability” in the exclusive 430 – 440 MHz segment of the band.

“The Tyro license is exceptionally important to FEMA’s CERT program,” Hampton’s petition asserts. “It allows ARES to solve CERT’s communication problems. The TyroSubBand technical specifications easily double the capacity of typical 70-centiimeter repeaters…”

Hampton maintained in his petition that Amateur Radio also “should be used to further scientific research that is published and quickly placed in the public domain.”

Hampton expressed the belief that institution of the Tyro license would spawn growth within Amateur Radio, making entry into the hobby nearly as simple as obtaining a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) license.

The window for comments on the Tyro license petition will be open for 30 days. 



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