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    01/11/2012 | ARRL Meets 2011 Fundraising Goals

    Thanks to the generosity of dedicated members and friends, the ARRL successfully met its 2011 fundraising goals. More than 6000 individuals and clubs supported the efforts of the ARRL this past year through gifts to the Diamond Club, the Spectrum Defense
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    01/06/2012 | 2012 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors Set for January 13-14, Agenda Announced

    ARRL policy is made by its Board of Directors. The 15 voting members of the Board are the Directors who are elected by the ARRL members in their respective divisions. The Board meets in January and July, usually in the Hartford area. ARRL members also ele
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    01/04/2012 | Ham Radio in Hollywood: Amateur Radio Makes Its Debut on Last Man Standing

    If you watched the January 3 episode of Last Man Standing -- the ABC hit situation comedy starring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT -- you were in for a treat. While this episode didn’t feature Amateur Radio per se, it did show Mike’s shack in the backgro
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    01/04/2012 | 2011 Sees Tremendous Increase in DXCC Applications

    With the coming of more sunspots, comes more DX. And when more amateurs are working DX, that means the ARRL’s Membership and Volunteer Programs Department -- especially the DXCC Desk and the ARRL Incoming and Outgoing QSL Bureaus -- goes into high gear.
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    01/03/2012 | BPL Provider IBEC Announces Shutdown

    IBEC -- one of the very few remaining operators of Access BPL systems -- has announced that it is closing down. In an undated announcement that appeared on the IBEC website, the company announced that it has “no other option than to close our doors and ce
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    12/27/2011 | ARRL Launches New DIY Campaign

    The ARRL Public Relations Department has released the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) suite of interrelated promotional materials aimed at exposing the growing Do It Yourself/Maker community to Amateur Radio opportunities. The DIY movement is nothing new to Amateur
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