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School Club Roundup Winter Term 2017 Scores Now Available


Final scores from the winter term 2017 recent running of School Club Roundup (SCR) in February have already been posted online. SCR is sponsored jointly by ARRL, its Hudson Division Education Task Force, and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC), with the goal of fostering Amateur Radio contacts with and among school radio clubs.

LIMARC receives and checks the logs at the submission deadline, then pass along the results to Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, for posting.

The Elementary/Primary School winner was the Russell Elementary Amateur Radio Club (KM4RE) in Georgia. The Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School winner was Schofield Middle School (N4SMS) in South Carolina. Topping the High School field was the LASA High School Amateur Radio Club (K5LBJ) in Texas. Case Western Reserve University (W8EDU) took first place in the College/University category.




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