QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Returning in March
The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will return March 13 – 14 for a full 48 hours, QSO Today host Eric Guth, 4Z1UG/WA6IGR, announced this week. ARRL is a QSO Today Expo Partner. Guth said the inaugural QSO Today Expo last August attracted more than 16,000 attendees, and he anticipates that the March 2021 event will be even more successful.
The upcoming QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will feature new speakers and presenters, panel discussions, and kit-building workshops among other activities. Guth pointed out that attendees can log in from anywhere. While he anticipates a good turnout by those who typically attend such ham radio events, the virtual Expo also offers an opportunity for those concerned about pandemic travel restrictions as well as for those who don’t typically attend in-person events.
“At our last Expo, we found that 60% of attendees don’t go to in-person national conferences, and 40% don’t attend state or local events,” Guth said, noting that distance and the high cost of travel and lodging were the most oft-cited reasons.
Registration is required, and to help cover the costs of staging this event, there will be a charge to attend. Advance tickets are $10 ($12.50 at the “door”) and include entry for the live, 2-day show as well to the 30-day on-demand period. At the Expo, visitors can:
Learn from a line-up of such well-known ham radio personalities as Bob Allphin, K4UEE, on “My Favorite DXpeditions to DXCC Top 10 Most Wanted;” Michael Foerster, W0IH, on “Using the Arduino in Your Shack,” and Ron Jones, K7RJ, on “3D Printer Basics.”
Take part in live virtual kit-building workshops. (Kits will be available for purchase and delivered to attendees in time for the Expo.)
Walk through the virtual exhibit hall to visit an array of amateur radio vendors and see live demonstrations of the latest equipment. This show will leverage newer video technology to provide a better experience for attendees to engage with exhibitors.
Those planning to attend the Expo may take advantage of new speaker calendar technology to create their own calendar of presentations in their time zones, which can be saved to a Google or Outlook calendar.
Registrants may return over the 30 days following the live event to catch speakers and presentations missed during the live period, as well as to explore and re-engage exhibitor offerings.
“The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo has all of the familiar hallmarks of an in-person hamfest, including opportunities to connect and learn,” ARRL Product Development Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, said. “Expect to bump into friends and well-known experts and personalities from throughout our worldwide ham radio community!” He explained that attendees visiting an exhibit or virtual lounge will be able to interact with other attendees in those settings.
FlexRadio is the Expo’s Platinum Sponsor. Gold sponsors as of this time include Elecraft, RFinder, and CSI.