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Get Ready for ARRL Field Day 2009


The official 2009 ARRL Field Day Web page is up and running. This page includes a summary of available resources, with links to Field Day forms and rules, logos and reference links. The page also includes a quick link to the map-based Field Day Station Locator where users can search for public Field Day sites. "Field Day is the largest on-the-air operating event," said ARRL Field Day Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND. "The event draws tens of thousands of radio amateurs to the airwaves over a single weekend." This year, Field Day is June 27-28.

According to Henderson, it has become a tradition to create a new logo each year to commemorate Field Day: "This year's logo evokes a sense of the 'great outdoors' in camp-like fashion. We hope the logo inspires even more participants to get active, get outdoors and get on-the-air." This year's logo was designed by ARRL Graphic Arts Supervisor Sue Fagan, KB1OKW, and Senior Technical Illustrator David Pingree, N1NAS.

The Field Day page also includes a link for ordering commemorative Field Day T-shirts, hats, pins and other supplies. All of the items are available for ordering now; many of the items are already in stock. Radio clubs are encouraged to order early.



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