Former QST Technical Editor Stu Cohen, N1SC (SK)
Former QST Technical Editor Stu Cohen, N1SC, of Colbert, Washington, passed away January 4 after a long battle with cancer. He was 70. An ARRL member, Cohen came to Headquarters in 2002 after an active career in television broadcasting. From 1974-1993, he was the Engineering Supervisor at ABC-TV in Los Angeles. During his tenure there, Cohen was awarded an Emmy®. After leaving the ARRL in 2005, he continued his relationship with the League, becoming a Technical Advisor.
First licensed in 1954 as K2IOC, Cohen loved operating CW and chasing DX on 40 and 20 meters. He also enjoyed 75 meters AM. Professing a love for vintage radio, Cohen had amassed a library devoted to books from the dawn of the wireless age.
In 2004, Cohen and then-Senior Assistant Technical Editor Bob Schetgen, KU7G (SK), discovered an unbuilt Johnson Viking Ranger II kit -- serial #3114 -- in the basement of W1AW. Cohen wrote about building this 1960s-era transmitter in the January 2005 issue of QST [Editor’s note: You must be an ARRL member and logged in to the ARRL website to read this article].
“Despite the pressures of having to get a magazine out the door every 30 days, Stu always maintained a cool, upbeat disposition,” recalled QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY. “It was a genuine pleasure to work with him.”
A service is planned for 11 AM on Wednesday, January 9 at the Charles Francis Adams Memorial Chapel, located at River View Cemetery in Portland, Oregon.