EO-79/FUNcube-3 Now Available for Amateur Radio Use
The EO-79/FUNcube-3 satellite has transitioned to Amateur Radio service, now that its primary mission has been completed. AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL have announced that the FUNcube U/V transponder on the 2U CubeSat QB50p1 has been activated with a regular schedule.
Due to power budget constraints, the transponder cannot be operational 24/7, and an orbit-specific schedule has been developed. The transponder will commence operation 27 minutes after the spacecraft enters sunlight and remain active for 25 minutes. This schedule may be modified in the weeks ahead, as experience dictates.
The transponder frequencies are: Uplink: 435.047-435.077 MHz (LSB); Downlink: 145.935-145.965 MHz (USB). The output power of the Amateur Radio payload is about 400 mW.
Qb50p1 was launched in June 2014 as a precursor spacecraft for the QB50 mission. The satellite’s primary function was to test a number of systems and science payloads. — Thanks to AMSAT News Service via AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL