Surfin': Check Out One Heck of a Mode
Frank Doerenberg, N4SPP, is such a big fan of Hellschreiber that he built a Web site dedicated to that mode of operation: The Hellschreiber Web page of Frank N4SPP. Frank recently performed a major update of his Web site, so this is an opportune time to tune you into it.
By the way, according to Wikipedia, "The Hellschreiber, or Feldhellschreiber, was a facsimile-based teleprinter invented by Rudolf Hell. It has since been emulated on computer sound cards by Amateur Radio operators; the resulting mode is referred to as Hellschreiber, Feld-Hell or simply Hell."
N4SPP updated his Web site for good reason -- he recently became the fortunate caretaker and operator of a genuine 1938 Hell Feldfernschreiber machine! The story and photos of that rare machine appears on the Web site along with some unique features, like 3-dimensional photographs and a detailed explanation of how it works illustrated by short, dynamic cartoons. There is even a Hellschreiber WebCam!
N4SPP's site also has the usual features you expect to find on a ham radio solo mode Web site and there is also a "Radio" link that reveals another Web page that covers all of N4SPP's Amateur Radio interests.
Thank you, Pete Kemp, KZ1Z, for the heads-up about this Web site.
Until next time, keep on surfin'!
Editor's note: Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, just wants the fax, Ma'am. To communicate with Stan, send him e-mail or add comments to his blog. By the way, every installment of Surfin' is indexed here, so go look it up.
Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor