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Dayton Hamvention Daily Report -- May 21


The weather remained cooperative for Day 2 of the Dayton Hamvention with partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 80s. There is no official tally of attendance, but the large crowds often jammed the aisles in the Hara Arena complex to the point where movement was difficult.

Several vendors reported brisk Saturday sales. As a case in point, one vendor of Wouxun handheld FM transceivers sold his entire stock of 500 radios by noon.

Elecraft drew considerable attention with the debut of their new KX-3 transceiver. The KX-3 is a 10-watt 160 – 6 meter radio with the option to add an external 100 W amplifier. The receiver is direct conversion, software-defined with an I/Q output.

The ARRL Expo received a surprise visit from FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. He toured the area and spoke with ARRL officials.

Hamvention forums appeared to be well attended. The ARES forum was standing room only, as were several others. Astronaut Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC, paid an unexpected visit to the Youth Forum, to the delight of the young amateurs present.

Steve Ford, WB8IMY




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