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ARRL Contest Branch Posts Logs Received for 2013 ARRL Field Day


The ARRL Contest Branch has posted a list of all logs received from participants in the 2013 ARRL Field Day. This list include logs sent via the web applet, e-mail and hard copy summaries. Logs designated “Checklog” are listed as such because the entry did not include the required summary sheet or was missing information necessary to include it as a regular entry. If your entry is shown as a checklog, contact ARRL Contest Branch Manager Mike DeChristopher, N1TA (860-594-0232) to have your entry reclassified properly. If you find incorrect information in your listing, contact Mike to have the corrections made. Because of an e-mail issue at ARRL Headquarters in early July, some e-mail submissions may not have been received. If  your entry is missing from the list, contact the Contest Branch to resolve this issue. Due to QST space limitations, club names are only given for Class A entries.



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